A day in the life of a doctor...

Nov 21, 2007 01:39

My little guy has been keeping secrets .....

He never said he was qualified as a Doctor.....honestly - the things that get forgotten to be told.......

I only found out the extent of his ambitions when we were out house sitting the other weekend....

When dolls there knew there was a doctor in the house, they went nuts, and all congregated in a waiting room for him...

His nurse called in the first patient

'The doctor will see you now.....'

'Who have we here.....ah......Clarissa......please take a seat'

'I understand you have had troubles.......please go in the other room and get changed then we will find out what is wrong.....'

'Do go over to the table.....'

Little Guy got out his stethoscope.....

'mmmmm - breathing is rather hollow...'

'lets just check to be doubly sure......on the table please....'.

(Guy wanted me to censor the piccies to protect her modesty........)

'all appears normal....and your ears?.....'

'Those would appear to be rather blocked with plastic......perfectly normal too'

'Well, you would appear to be in good doll health......can't find anything wrong....'

'If you suffer anything else, do pop in the next time I am in town....'

Next patient please........

'And you are?......Peppa pig...............'

It would appear that he is a LG with many talents.


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