Greetings, Internet! My fridge is probably going to explode. The siblings visited me last weekend and I, er, took the "better to have too much food than not enough" adage and RAN with it. I look into the fridge now and have so many questions about my Saturday 8 AM shopping decisions. A pound of sandwich meat? FOUR POUNDS OF STRAWBERRIES? They also brought me a birthday cake my mother baked for me, half of which stared at me as I went to retrieve sandwich fixings for dinner. It's delicious! There's just so so so much frosting and I am but a girl!
Media! Brave was excellent and I cried like a baby. Cold Magic and Cold Fire, both by Kate Elliot, are super great fantasy books featuring awesome ladies of color running around a vaguely steampunk and definitely magical Earth! I am terrible at recommendations that don't take place in an official rec post, but READ THESE BOOKS. You can join me waiting for the third book's release.
Fic-wise, I've got five out of twenty-two episodes of Keep on Chasing a Dream completed. I think I'm giving up the idea of finishing the fic before S4 of Glee starts for the sake of my brain not melting. I'm having a lot of fun, though I'm learning that posting a 10k chapter every nine days or so means less feedback, not more. That's a lot to read! ETA: Ack, but I am SUPER GRATEFUL for the people who take the time to leave lovely comments, because there are plenty of them. I'm musing on this realization, not upset by it. Way to go with your phrasing, self.
fahye and I are editing our XMFC AU as we speak. It is ~30k of "What if Shaw's plans made a little more sense?" and Charles and Erik having feelings and Moira being a badass. So psyched to post this baby a year after we started! |
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