
Jul 15, 2011 22:34

I'm lying (laying? I never learned the difference, sadly) on the couch, watching Philip play some war game on the PS3
and waiting for him to be done so I can watch The Cosby Show on Netdlix streaming.

Every time he dies (which is a lot), I say, "Does this mean I can watch The Cosby Show?" and he "accidentally" presses play again. Ha. Right. If anyone cares, I've been informed that he's playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I can't keep them straight; there's approximately seventy thousand war games and we probably own half of them. At least we've got Frontline, aka, the only one I have cheat codes for and thus will play.

Anyway. We're supposed to go and see Clue tonight - they play cult classics at our local indie theater every weekend - but good God am I exhausted, and horribly depressed that I won't be able to see the last Harry Potter movie for another two weeks or so because Philip hasn't seen any of them and we have to watch them all first. I'm still upset that I couldn't go at midnight - to be fair, he offered, but we'd just gotten back from Phoenix and I had to work this morning and I'm all old and stuff now and can't do this staying awake until 3am thing.

I don't even know what I'm saying, I'm so tired. I sort of want to go to sleep - I doubt I will be watching The Cosby Show tonight - but I've got cookies in the oven and laundry that's probably done by now so I should go fold that and I think I want a bath but I'd probably drown.

Seriously, I'm exhausted. I haven't been sleeping very well for weeks, but it's been especially bad the last week-ish. I've slept maybe 12 hours all week ... I keep waking up in the middle of the night and usually end up reading for a few hours until I fall back asleep ... usually an hour or two before I have to wake up. I very nearly fell asleep at work today - that would have been great - but the phone rang right as my eyes were closing. Scared the bejeezus out of me.

I should go do laundry now, and maybe take some sleep medicine. We're going to a Diamondbacks game tomorrow - someone gave us tickets and they're super nice seats, right behind the dugout. It'll be great, but I'm not looking forward to the drive.
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