"look at the stars, see how they shine for you"

Aug 24, 2011 11:40

I'm not sure which story to tell first so I'll just go in chronological order:

On Friday, our house flooded. Philip called me around 3:30 and told me that when he got home, water was spilling out of the house and there was about two inches of standing water everywhere. A pipe under the house burst, it seems. Most of our stuff is okay, unfortunately, everything that was damaged was either electronic or sentimental. I kept boxes of photos and things of Allie's on the bottom of the bookshelf and on the floor of the closet, so those are just gone. I've already had a few crying fits about it, believe me. The clean up has taken a ridiculously long time; we're still going through the bags we shoved everything in (it's all damaged but Philip is hoping to salvage things still ... it breaks my heart).

When it's all said and done, we're out a few hundred dollars because of things we need to replace or have cleaned. Very unfortunate timing, considering all the birthdays coming up, a wedding in Vegas that I'm attending over Labor Day, and random other things.

So. Don't let your house flood, kids. It's a pain.

But. My weekend was not ruined, even with the flood, because on Saturday, Philip and I went up to San Pedro Vista to see the sunrise, where he gave me this gorgeous ring and asked me to marry him.

I, of course, said yes :)
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