One day, I will learn

Jul 05, 2011 11:09

We bought a PS3 yesterday. So there goes seeing my boyfriend ... oh, ever.

Here's the story: we went to see X-Men: First Class on Sunday night. We were going to go to Casino del Sol and watch their fireworks show, but we ran late and traffic was terrible, so we doubled back and since we were near San Xavier Mission we decided to go see if it was lit up for the night. It wasn't, but no one was there, so we climbed up the hill where the shrine and cross are, and we sat on the base of the cross and watched the fireworks from there. They were a little far away, but it was a huge show and we could hear the booms really faintly. It was amazing.

The fireworks show started half an hour late - we were actually getting ready to climb back down the hill when it started - so we weren't going to make the showing of X-Men that we wanted to see, and also, I was starving, so we went to The Taco Shop (meh) before the movie. Philip was complaining about the lack of rain so I did a silly rain dance in the parking lot and five minutes later, on our way to the theater, we were smack in the middle of a monsoon. I refused to use an umbrella so I was soaking wet by the time we walked the 100 feet from the car to the mall.

The movie was AWESOME. I haven't actually seen any of the other movies - I thought I'd watched one of them, but it turns out I was thinking of Wolverine. In my defense, it's easy to confuse them. Upon learning that, Philip gleefully informed me he owned all three X-Men movies and that we would start watching them immediately. I'm sure he would have attempted to make me start the first movie when we got home, but it turned out that the monsoon he had been praying so hard for knocked out our power.

So we had no power, and it was 95* inside our house. I resorted to taking a cold shower every 45 minutes in between restless bouts of sleep, until the cooler kicked on around 4am and scared the holy hell out of me.

Philip resumed his campaign to make me watch all the X-Men movies - I want to see them, but somehow he got it into his head that he had to convince me to watch them, so I'm pretending it's a hardship. Sometimes it's good to make boys think they owe you something, and considering the new Harry Potter is coming out ... I'll need a little leverage to get him to see movies 1-7a with me - where the hell was I? Oh, yes. So Monday morning, I make breakfast, we eat, and we settle in to watch the movie, and the DVD player didn't work.

Cue the tantrum. It was 90% hilarious and 10% adorable, complete with accusations - "You made me throw away the other DVD player!" (yes, because it was broken) and whatever else. Eventually, he decided we needed a new DVD player, and set about looking for one. And I don't know which train of thought brought him to this conclusion, but he turned to me and said, "We need a PS3 because it has Blu-Ray. And also because I want a PS3."

And I said, "Sure, darling, whatever you want." Now, you have to understand that I did not actually believe he would go through with this. He hates spending money, especially the amount he dropped for a system, an extra controller for me (it's pink, at least), and three games. I didn't think he'd buy it when we went to Bookman's to look at their used ones, or Best Buy, or when we drove to a Wal-Mart ten miles out of town because all of the ones in town were sold out. Up until the very second he handed the credit card over, I did not believe he'd buy it.

Oh, sometimes I am so foolish.

(Immediately after buying it, he exclaimed, "We can play things in 3D!" "We don't have a 3D TV," I told him, and he looked very sad indeed, and then informed me we needed to buy a 3D TV.)

(He keeps calling it his best friend. I am torn between wanting to pat his head affectionately and wanting to strangle him.)
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