13 November 2019

Nov 13, 2019 20:24

I apologize for my lack of posts here. My life has been honestly horrible lately and I haven't had any motivation to write at all.

At the end of April, my family and I lost our dream job and the house that came with it. We weren't able to find another house at the time, or a job either. We had two weeks to move out. So we drove to our empty block of land near Maryborough VIC. Which is where we have remained for the past six months despite our best efforts. Some people have donated money to us and I'm grateful for that. But for every person who helps us financially, there are many more who deny us a house or a job. In June, a friend of my mum organized us a house through one of their friends and a job on their dairy farm. It all seemed too good to be true and I was so relieved. While we were waiting for the real estate agent to approve our application ("It's just a formality," said our friends, "You've already got the house."), those said friends asked my dad to start work on their farm immediately and remain there Thursday through to Sunday, three hours from our camp. My dad declined, as we had our pregnant cow Goldie due to calve at any time and he wanted to be here in case of any problems.

Goldie gave birth at 2am on Friday the 14th of June to a stillborn baby. I don't know why. We'd done everything right. It took three of us to pull it out since it was too big for Goldie to birth on her own. I firmly believe my dad made the right decision to stay at home. But then on Monday morning, we received a text from the agent saying our application had been denied. Later that day our friends told us that they wouldn't give us a job either because my dad "didn't show up for work." They haven't spoken to us since.

Several times, we've almost gotten out of here. My dad has applied for around 50 jobs and only a handful have replied. He got two interviews. Both turned him down in the end. Our property is in a black spot for jobs. I personally haven't found anything I can apply for. I have no experience outside of dairy farming, and this is not a dairy area. Everywhere asks for qualifications or experience. And now after six months out of work, we can no longer afford to move anywhere else. We can barely afford enough food each week.

Sometimes we go to the local food bank, which is run by a church. We pay $10 for two small bags of out-of-date snacks and cereal, dented cans of vegetables, and wilted greens. A few weeks ago my mum explained our situation and asked if they knew any jobs available in this area. They didn't, but they said, "we'll add you to our prayer list." A lot of good that has done us.

I feel completely trapped and hopeless. I suppose this is a call for help. I'm desperate. We really need a house and a job. If you can't give us that, the next best thing is financial aid. Please send me a message if you can help in any way.

rambling, life

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