21 April 2020

Apr 21, 2020 16:09

Hi everyone. Just letting you know I'm still alive. Not that anyone seemed to miss me while I was absent from here. Sometimes I wonder if anyone would miss me if I went away permanently.

But anyway, there's not much to update on. I'm still homeless. I still haven't been able to get a job so I'm still broke. Honestly, it's a miracle that I haven't starved to death, nor have my pets, and that's only because of the kindness of people giving us food or money. We're relying on the food bank for the majority of our meals now. I need new clothes for the winter but I can't afford them. It's a really, really tough time. And this pandemic situation is just making everything harder.

I can't afford the internet it takes to watch the episodes anymore, but I've finished reading the transcripts up to 15x13 Destiny's Child. I wonder if by the time AHBL11 comes around in 2021, I'll be able to afford to go but who knows? The way things are going I'll still be broke and homeless. At this point there is not even a glimmer of hope for getting out of this crappy situation, there hasn't been for a long time, and I'll be living like this until I die.

season 15, rambling, life

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