First Watch Reaction - 14x10 "Nihilism"

Jan 26, 2019 19:07

Ew a taxidermy squirrel. Stuffed dead animals gross me out. And that monkey thing isn't much better. Or the moose head.

Took me a moment to recognize Pamela. Oops.

Is this Dean's happy place? Seems... very Dean. The owner of his own bar, where he spends his time drinking alcohol with an old friend, with the occasional monster trying to kill him.

Oh so after all that drama, Michael's finger snap was literally just to switch from normal Dean clothes to a suit. I have to say Jensen is doing a phenomenal job portraying Michael vs Dean.

Haha! Got 'em.

"Dean's not home right now. Please leave a message." Condescension is practically dripping off him right then. Michael is so full of hatred and contempt.

Interesting turn of events with the reaper. What's going on there?

I love Jack's absolute faith in Sam and Dean.

"I know how sad he was when you died on the outside. On the inside, well, it's not that he was happy - he just didn't care. 'Cause you're not Sam. You're not Cas. You're a new burden that he was handed. You're a weak, helpless thing. You think that they care about you, love you? You're a job, a job none of them wanted." Michael is a piece of crap and I wish he'd die.

Cas and Sam searching through all Dean's traumatic memories is so freaking sad. But of course that's not where Michael's stashed Dean. This scene really sums up Dean as a character.

Jack using his powers just in time! But it's not good.

Poor Dean struggling to keep Michael contained. I doubt this plan is going to last long.

And there's Billie/Death to confirm my suspicions. What was the solution she's given Dean? Please don't make Dean kill himself or something.

Also what happened to Garth? There was no mention of him at all in this episode. Is he still in the Impala's trunk? With Michael locked away, I suppose he will be okay, like the rest of the creatures under Michael's control. Hopefully the next episode will bring some answers to that.

And now it's a week until I get to watch Damaged Goods. Once again I am back to having no TV so I have to wait for Youtube to publish the episodes.

season 14, supernatural, first watch review

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