First Watch Reaction: 14x09 "The Spear"

Jan 26, 2019 17:20

Trying to get back into these again, if only for my own benefit. It's fun looking back after a while and getting to read my thoughts on each past episode.

Aw, a Christmas episode! It's been so long since they did a Christmas episode. Would have been fun to actually watch this in December though, instead of nearly February. (Also, holy crap how is it nearly February already??)

According to the laws of TV and movies, lifts never work when you're in a hurry.

Ooh, Michael. To be fair, that is a good view.

Oh yay it's Garth! Please don't kill him.

"Please don't tell Sam!"
"Jack, it's the middle of the night."
"Sam says this stuff will rot your teeth, but I like it."
Jack's sweet tooth coming into play again lol

"This life may be a lot of things, but it's rarely happy." Ugh my heart. I love this late night bonding over sugary cereal.

Sassy Ketch. So happy he's on their side now.

Honestly, their important parcel getting delayed because of Christmas holidays is so relatable.

I'm certain that this is a recycled Impala driving shot from season 1??? Or maybe 2? I might go check later to be sure.

"When was the last time we had a big, no-strings-attached win like that?" Talk about awkward.

Jack's coat looks so snuggly.

"Well then you should just kill me." And that doesn't sound a whole lot like sarcasm either, or even anger, just numb acceptance? Like he meant it?

Poor Garth. :( Glad he isn't dead. Yet, at least. I don't trust the writers not to off him later.

Lol at Dean trying to do cool spinny stuff with the spear.

Team Free Will 2.0 walking into a battle with "impossible odds" to orchestral Christmas music? Epic.

It's been a while since SPN has surprised me. Although I knew something bad was going to happen regarding Dean/Michael, this was an unexpected plot twist. "Leaving the door open"? This is bad, bad news.

A finger-snap reminiscent of Thanos and a dramatic cut to black. What has Michael done??

Now on to Nihilism!

season 14, supernatural, first watch review

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