FIC: Control

Mar 24, 2015 14:28

Characters: Dean, mention of Sam, Cas, and Crowley
Rating: G
Word count: 129
Summary: Dean's barely holding on. Tag scene to 10x14, "The Executioner's Song."

A/N: A little something I wrote straight after the episode, trying to get back into writing.


Open the door. You can do it. C'mon. Stairs. You can handle stairs. You walked up them earlier, remember? But that was before... Focus. One step at a time. Watch where your feet are going. Ok. Ok. You got this. You're fine. Stay in control. Let the blade go. Let it go. Come on, do it! You need to say something. Your voice is rougher than you expected, but that's ok. You've just... Get it under control. Don't think about the Blade. But it's right there. Castiel has it. Now Crowley's gone. That's good. Ok, look at Sam. Focus on Sam. So tired. The Mark is still burning. Isn't it satisfied? Breathe. Let Sam hold you for a minute. You did it. Dean, you did it. Stay in control.


As always, I'd love to hear what you think of it. :)

season 10, fanfiction, supernatural

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