Реабилитация поясницы - помоги себе сам - как снять напряжение, боль в поясничном отделе

Nov 29, 2014 01:03

Авторство https://www.facebook.com/anna.suvorova.7393

После танцев, тренировок, долгого пребывания на ногах, таскания тяжёлого и разного другого, простые, но МОЩНЕЙШИЕ терапевтические асаны с болстером для снятия напряжения в области нижнего отдела позвоночника (болстер берется в магазинах для йоги, например, http://yoga.spb.ru/catalog/25/) в наглядном фото-сете от йогини и шоколадных дел мастера Анны Суворовой

I believe in the self-healing mechanism of our intelligent human machine. I am positive, this belief is one of the reasons why I help my challenged body to restructure itself over and over again and dedicate a lot of my life assisting others to do the same. You are your own healer. All you need is the right knowledge and time that you will dedicate to your own betterning :-) I put this very gentle/easy to follow back-healing-program for a dear friend of mine who had sudden back ache. I want to share it with you too, back issue seems common these days. My own back injury has given me a lot of new knowledge that i would have never ever known if i were not me :-). All you need for this little self-healing session is 20 mins of Silence, your total dedication to your beautiful Self and a good bolster. Please remember to breath with awareness and intentions to heal. Or spine likes to be stretched before it gets to be twisted and our body absolutely rejoices being upside down. Have fun, You are a miraculous, self-healing machine with more power within you than you realize!

Make time and space for your self-healing session... get a lovely bolster, it is your friend

Get horizontal and place the bolster under your tailbone. Bend the knees and hang out there for a while, Breath and Smile!

Cross your legs.. take a deep breath

Surrender to one side... Breath and feel what you feel... It might not look like you are doing much,,,,, but.. A LOT is going on in this therapeutic body move. Be present, you are a healer of your own body, a conscious co creator of your own life.

Change sides.... Experience what IS.. be aware what side is giving you more signals,,, where do you need to place more of your loving attention. Awareness is EVERYTHING!

After the intelligent twisting on both sides... stretch your body, while still on the bolster,, BREATH into your Hara, your tummy, rest and be.... whoever you choose to be!

Give your precious Self the biggest hug ever. Smile within.

Bring your self to the one of the most powerful healing restorative Yoga poses - The Great Rejuvenatory Pose. Stay in this heaven for as long as you wish knowing why you are doing this, breathing light onto everything that you are! You are a miracle. Feel it! Honor it, Enjoy it!

le4enie, yoga, healthy

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