I feel like a hero, and you're my heroine <3

Dec 29, 2010 02:00


Name: Chloe
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Likes/Talents/Hobbies: Writing, reading, climbing, playing piano, going out XD
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: Umm, I don't like most things if I think about them enough XD

the FAVORITES (and please try to explain why)

Color(s): I like all colours really :)
Movie(s): The Others, The Uninvited, Mean Girls, the Harry Potter films, maybe a few others XD
Music: I like loads, a really random selection :') but to mention just a few: Regina Spektor, Paramore, Plumb, Arcade Fire, Bright Eyes, Ingrid Michaelson, Imogen Heap, We The Kings, Sia, Natalie Merchant, The Fray, Snow Patrol..maaany more XD
Book(s): Loads :)
Food: Anything unhealthy really XD except meat, I'm a vegetarian :)
Animal: I love cats ♥ I kind of grew up with them...
Season: I love all seasons actually, I can't decide XD
Quote/Saying: It's from Winnie the Pooh XD something like "Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." ♥


What are some of your positive traits? Sweet, gentle, loyal, caring, funny.
What are some of your negative traits? Reckless, lack of common sense, low self esteem, pushover, bitchy, guarded.
How do you view love and relationships? I want to fall in love, but I can't see anyone ever loving me, and I'm not even sure I could ever like someone enough to love them.
What are your some of your goals and dreams? I'd like to write. Actually, I'd like to explore and live life as an adventure, but that doesn't seem very realistic anymore, which is a shame. I miss being small and hopeful XD

THIS or THAT (feel free to elaborate)

Optimistic or Pessimistic? Naturally optimistic, but I try to expect the worst so not to be disappointed.
Realist or Idealist? Similar kind of thing really.
Introverted or Extroverted? Introverted
Impulsive or Cautious? More impulsive
Leader or Follower? Follower, but I'd prefer to do my own thing XD
Mature or Immature? Immature, but I can act mature when necessary; it really just depends on who I'm with.
Selfish or Selfless? Both at times, but more selfish I guess
Trusting or cynical? Cynical
Romantic or not? I used to be a lot, but I'm a lot more skeptical nowadays. I still think love seems sort of magical though; I just really hope I can find it one day.


Describe your personal style: Quite feminine, but with a sort of indie-ish edge I guess? XD It does vary quite a bit though.
Describe (briefly!) your ideal romantic partner (or if you’d prefer to be alone, explain why): I'm kind of torn, because I love sweet, funny people and at the same time I'm a sucker for the ~misunderstood, rebellious one XD
How do you overcome obstacles and hardships? I'm not sure, I don't feel like I've lived enough to answer that properly but I guess I just try and stay strong and focus on other things.
Where would you most like to live? (this may include houses, locations, climates, etc.) New York, it's wonderful.
What kind of heroine do you think you would be? Um, I'm not sure? But any battles or anything would have to be verbal, judging by my laser tag scores XD
Which heroine do you think you’re least like? Dennorrr.

Is there anything else you’d like us to know and take into consideration? Don't think so :)

And finally, please link any (at least three) applications you have voted on:

1. http://community.livejournal.com/literaryheroine/279806.html?view=2705406#t2705406

2. http://community.livejournal.com/literaryheroine/280508.html#cutid1

3. http://community.livejournal.com/literaryheroine/279090.html?view=2705458#t2705458

stamped: alice

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