Name: Nikki
Previously stamped as: Fanny Price/Catherine Morland
~About You~
Positive traits: Creative, smart, idealist, imaginative, empathetic, loving, motherly, romantic, dreamy, generous, passionate, sincere, loyal, funny.
Negative traits: Absent-minded, loner, shy, overly emotional, sensitive, possessive, pessimistic, disorganized, stubborn, depressive, moody, socially awkward.
Likes/interests/hobbies: I've been told I can sing well, I can easily cheer people up. As for hobbies, I like creating, daydreaming, reading, watching movies, listening to music, cooking, baking, sleeping, roleplaying, window shopping. I like colors, water, rain, animals, discussion, dreams, and probably tons of other things I can't think of.
Dislikes/pet peeves: I can't stand bigotry, hypocrisy (though everyone has the ability to be a hypocrite at times), rudeness, being interrupted, being ignored, ignorance, animal abuse, constant noises (like the ticking of a clock), crooked wall hangings, crowded areas, most insects.
What are some of your goals and dreams? I don’t necessarily make goals. I’ve done that in the past, and I never stick to them. Dreams, on the other hand, are plentiful. I would love to do traveling (especially to Disney World!) I would love to open my own shop; maybe sell things like books, baked goods, or occult things. I would like to someday have a family of my own, whether it’s children or pets.
How do you feel about love and relationships? I love love. Have I experienced love? No. But I someday hope to. I like the idea of soulmates and love at first sight. I'll admit that I'm a sucker for it. Friendship and family are what matter to me most right now, so if I don't find love, not that I don't want to, I'll be happy with what I have.
~This or That~
Cynical or trusting? Normally trusting, but can be quite cynical when it comes to people I don’t know very well.
Choosing your own destiny or accepting your fate? Choosing my own destiny.
Introverted or extroverted? Introverted.
Idealistic or realistic? Idealistic with a small dash of realistic every now and then.
Optimistic or pessimistic? It depends, really. I tend to be pessimistic in my own situations, but optimistic for other people’s sakes.
Confident or insecure? Insecure, but I’m really striving to be more confident, and I think it’s really working.
Independent or dependent? The women in my family are very independent, so I’m guessing that trait has been passed on to me, too.
~Are you:~
[X] Romantic
[X] Dreamy
[X] Animal lover
[X] Lonely
[ ] Passive
[X] Witty
[X] Resourceful
~If you were in a fairytale…~
Oh no! An evil witch/dragon/ogre/evil king has kidnapped you! What do you do? It depends on what their intentions are. I don’t believe the “villains” are always completely evil. But, if they intend on killing me, I’m fighting my way out. If I die, well, I guess I was going to die anyways, but at least I didn’t go down without a fight.
You are at a ball, and you notice a handsome prince trying to catch your eye. How would you react? Probably confused. I would try to convince myself that he’s looking at someone behind me. I’d wind up being pretty awkward and shy about it.
A very old woman comes to your door and asks you for a bit to eat and a place to sleep for the night. What would you do? I would do as she asked.
If life as you knew it was suddenly turned upside-down and you lost everything, what would you do? I would probably be stressed, but you can only move forward, so that is precisely what I would do.
~Other Fairytale Questions~
Do you like fairytales? I love fairy tales!
Is there a character (or two) that you don’t think is like you, or that you strongly dislike? I’m not really sure Karen or the Princess from “The Frog Prince” are anything like me.
Is there anything else you would like to add? Nope.
And because votes are still a must…