Name: Tasha
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Likes/Talents/Hobbies: Debating, singing, writing, reading, cooking, eating good food, laughing, coloring, studying political science, studying history.
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: Rain, snow, basically any weather except sun, bad liars (I can respect a good liar), mindless violence, any kind of abuse, narrow-mindedness.
the FAVORITES (and please try to explain why)
Color(s): My favorite color is pink, although red is a close favorite. I like it because it can be either exciting and loud, like hot pink, or calming and peaceful, like a more light pink. It can represent just about any emotion.
Movie(s): My favorite movie is Reservoir Dogs, I'd have to say. I think it's written well, and it's got that excitement and action that I really enjoy in movies. I'm also a fan of bad horror movies, because I think they're funny, and even sometimes suspenseful.
Music: My very favorite band is The Beatles. I love their lyrics, and it's interesting to listen to all of their music and see how it evolved over the years.
Book(s): It's basically impossible for me to say a favorite book, because I read voraciously. But I would have to say that my favorite genre is mystery, just because I like trying to figure it out and I like that they keep me on my toes.
Food: Sushi my favorite food, hands down. You can pretty much get any flavor in sushi, and it's pretty as well.
Animal: I have several favorite animals. I tend to like animals that other people don't like very much, though. One of my favorite animals is the opossum, and I think a lot of people are scared of them or grossed out by them. I think they're adorable, though, and I feel bad for them that they're disliked.
Season: Summer by far. I hate cold weather, but I love hot weather. The hotter and more humid, the better.
Quote/Saying: "We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us". I have a tattoo of this on my thigh, and it reminds me that I need to make good choices and that the things I do now will shape who I am later.
What are some of your positive traits? Good debater, listens well, passionate, independent, ambitious, protective of others
What are some of your negative traits? Selfish, overly proud, emotionally distant, easily angered, jealous, manipulative
How do you view love and relationships? I'm not the kind of person who can get attached easily and it takes a long time to gain my trust. I'm one of those people who really needs a long time to warm up to someone. I certainly don't share my feelings easily.
What are your some of your goals and dreams? My biggest goal is to be a mother. I've always wanted kids. I also want to be able to travel.
THIS or THAT (feel free to elaborate)
Optimistic or Pessimistic? I call myself a pessimistic optimist because I know that things will turn out all right in the end, but I worry constantly that they won't.
Realist or Idealist? Realist. I'd like to be an idealist, but I'm just a very realistic and pragmatic person.
Introverted or Extroverted? More extroverted. I'm not a big fan of parties, but I do like speaking in front of large groups of people, and meeting new people.
Impulsive or Cautious? More cautious.
Leader or Follower? Leader. I don't like following because I don't feel that I can trust a lot of people. I know I can always trust myself.
Mature or Immature? Mature. I've had to grow up faster than a lot of my friends because my father passed away when I was 19, and I found that that really changed my maturity level.
Selfish or Selfless? Selfish. In order to take care of other people I have to take care of myself first, and that means that I often put myself first.
Trusting or cynical? Cynical, I think. It takes me so long to trust people that I'm much more likely to be distant and a bit cynical about their intentions.
Romantic or not? Yes, I am romantic. Although I'm not quick to warm up to people, I am really romantic when I'm in relationships and I love all those sappy little gestures.
Describe your personal style: I'm sort of a weird combination of hipster and punk, I guess. My hair is bleached blonde, short, and spiky and I wear leather jackets and combat boots, but I can also often be found in long baggy t-shirts shirts and leggings.
Describe (briefly!) your ideal romantic partner (or if you’d prefer to be alone, explain why): Well, the most important thing for me, partnership-wise, is someone who is my friend. I can be attracted to people who aren't my friends, but I know a relationship would never work out with them. I need to be best friends with my partner. Other traits would be funny, protective, very driven and career-oriented, and interested in constantly learning things.
How do you overcome obstacles and hardships? I just power through things. I don't dwell on how difficult they are, I just tell myself that it's something that has to be done, and do it. It's only until after the hardship is over that I let myself get emotional about it.
Where would you most like to live? (this may include houses, locations, climates, etc.) I would ideally live somewhere hot and humid, in a medium-sized house, in a city. I need to live in a city because I like to be able to go do many different things.
What kind of heroine do you think you would be? Maybe a slightly more rebellious one, although not overtly so. I'm very driven and ambitious, so it would have to be a heroine who had well-defined goals. I'd also like to get the guy ;)
Which heroine do you think you’re least like? Any heroine who has to rely on other people to save her.
Is there anything else you’d like us to know and take into consideration? My personality type. I'm an ENTJ, which is often called "The Field Marshall" or the "Executive". Basically, that just means I'm really career focused and like to get things done.
And finally, please link any (at least three) applications you have voted on:
1. 2. 3. 4.