Weddings and babies and jobs

Jun 22, 2005 12:43

Most of you have already heard the story of the cruise, so I'm not really going to bother. In short: Lots of fun, big tropical storm, land sickness for days. No more cruises for awhile.

Jessi's wedding is coming up this Friday, and I'm surprisingly excited! For a few days there I was making a big deal about this in my head, but now thats overwith. I think I was only making a big deal about it because I thought I should be. In reality, it doesn't really matter. I'm not the one who's getting married, and its not like theres some marriage disease floating around at weddings that you will automatically come down with if you were to attend one. I'm excited! The weddings I have been to are always fun and happy, and now this one will have free booze (hell yeah, jessi!) and friends as well. I'm incredibly happy for Jessi and I wish her the best!!

Seeing her sonograms was really neat. It looks like a baby! Haha. If anything, it solidified my feelings on abortion (pro-life for me, pro-choice for others). She had a sonogram from when it was 2 months, when abortion is techincally still legal. I know this is a really stupid argument, but it really looks like a human. I expected it to look like a mass of cells, but this mass of cells has a head, legs, and arms just like me. Its almost impossible not to feel some sort of compassion for something even as small as that. *Almost* impossible, I guess.

Still looking for a job. I have an interview with Chevy Chase on Thursday, and hopefully this will be it. If I'm not offered a job by this Friday, fuck them, and I'm going elsewhere. No more interviews!
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