Dec 19, 2007 07:47
I love you, Nike +!
Twenty Minute Run = 1.8 miles according to my Nike +, 1.67 miles according to GMAP pedometer...I'm inclined to believe I may have been a bit inaccurate tracing my route, but it's probably somewhere between 1.8 and 1.7. Not horribly inaccurate!
And look what I can do (clicky):
That four minutes at the end there is when I finished my workout and stretched, but apparently didn't exit the Nike + Program.
Looks like I'm running about a 13" mile right now (although when I ended my workout, it told me I was at a 15 minute mile? Not sure where the change came from). My goal is a 12" mile, but that's for all 10 miles of the race.
I guess I should have figured that 20 minutes would amount to almost two miles, but now I might have to change my two mile "long run" for this weekend, since I already practically ran that. Maybe I'll up it to 2.5.
Incidentally, the Nike + website is pretty can join these challenges, and your miles get added to your individual or team record. I've joined up with a male v. female running challenge and a "Run for Dr. MLK challenge." The first is a team challenge (men v. case you didn't figure that out), and the second is an individual challenge.
Fun times!
I'm going to be so ridiculously late for work!
I wish someone would invent an air-warmer I could put over my mouth so that winter didn't hurt my lungs so much!
0 to 10 mile challenge