Happy Hobbit Day!

Sep 22, 2005 11:45

The summer is over and it appears that my journal will be, once again, all TV all the time. =D

Did we get any answers last night? Well, maybe, I don't know, does it really matter?

Not much seemed to happen. It wasn't an explosive season premiere but I think it set up the main heft of the beginning of the season, at the very least.

Yes, unfortunately, it was another Jack episode and yes, Jack is still wending his way through his feelings of inadequacy. I kind of want to shake him and yell, "Shut up already! Stand up and act like a man, you big baby!"

The episode was very much about Jack's inner struggle against faith, against trusting in things he can't see or touch. He has to have a reason for everything and, I think, a lot of the failures of his past he places squarely on his own shoulders because he can't believe that sometimes life sucks and sometimes people disappoint you and sometimes there are things outside of your control. He needs to feel in control of his own destiny. This causes him to take himself much too seriously, as Hurley commented on. And let's not forget how much he sucks at dealing with people on any level, because he really, really does.

That whole scene with Hurley is a shining example of why I love him so. Yes, he was in a psych ward (and I can't wait to find out exactly why he was there) but he's not crazy and he has a better understanding of people then most anyone else on that Island of Mystery. He also has the guts to make himself sound crazy if it will do other people any sort of good. I hereby nominate Hurley for King of the Island.

The scene with Shannon in the jungle was just out and out creepy. Man, what is up with that and what is up with people seeing visions when they're strung out and exhausted. Jack sees his dead dad, Shannon sees Walt. Is it a kind of psychic connection or is there something else going on? Well, of course there's something else going on. =D Why was Walt wet? What was he trying to say? Poor, poor Walt.

The tension between Charlie and Sayid is going to be ... interesting. I really need to get through my re-viewing of season one so I can have a better feeling for how that dynamic was forged. I can't help but think that it's going to be key.

Locke is so ... Locke. The big Locke/Jack split is coming and I can't wait to see it happen. Locke is the sort of man who can read people and give them what they want. He spent all of last season making connections with Charlie and Boone (*sob* Poor Dead Boone!) and Walt and Michael and Kate and Claire. The man's subtle and fascinating. His confidence and fanaticism make a great counter to Jack's doubt and scepticism.

In the event of such a split I'm not sure that I'd follow either one, though. I think I'd try and convince Hurley to quietly sneak away with a bunch of us and we'd set up our own little hippie commune. It'd be pretty sweet.

The reveal about what was in the Hatch was pretty cool. I was aggravated in the beginning with the faceless morning preparations but seeing it all fit together was a definite trip. I can't wait to hear Desmond's story 'cause it's gotta be a good one.

It's interesting that while the writers were developing Jack as a rational man they were also vividly portraying the more mystical explanations. Talk about strange destiny and freaky coincidences. Here's Jack, the man who refuses to believe that which can't be explained and he's surrounded by the unexplainable. Sarah's recovery, his connection with the crazy guy in the Hatch, every freaking thing that's happened on the Island of Mystery. We, the viewers, are supposed to think there's something magical in the air, but what if there isn't? Wouldn't that be a trip. Maybe it's some sort of vast pan-governmental conspiracy. With polar bears. And pilot eating 'security systems.'

And, you know, Desmond can keep Kate. We don't need her back. =D

DUDE! The internets are telling me that it was Shannon's dad who died in the ER when Jack saved Sarah's life! I was blinded by the horror of Matthew Fox's wig and missed that vital piece of information! Another mind trip!

I love my show.

desert island shenanigans

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