(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 09:40

Bleh. Bleh. Bleh.

Good news: The Wrestler comes home from Chile on October 19th. *does happy sister dance of joy*

Bad news: I lose my job in a week and a half and have not found one to take its place.

Other news: At first this episode didn't exactly reel me in. It felt like your standard Disease of the Week sort of plot. Little girl having mysterious hallucinations so let's put her through all sorts of crazy tests to figure out what is wrong. Pass the popcorn, same ol', same ol'.

However, the episode managed to surprise me in the end. Sure there were all sorts of medical voodoo but the details, especially the character details were extremely interesting. The House and Wilson interaction was especially intriguing. There were all sorts of different layers of friendship and camaraderie and frustration. There were some great scenes between the two of them, especially the scene in the hall when Wilson blew up at House's insensitivity (and you know that House had to have been extremely insensitive for Wilson to take offence) and the final scene between them in House's office when House was snorting antihistamines. The latter scene was particularly heart-breaking because there was Wilson admitting to House, in not so many words, that he knows that House is bound and determined to destroy himself and from House's nonverbal response you just know that he knew it too.

Hugh Laurie and Robert Sean Leanord kicked all sorts of actorly ass last night. Subtle and powerful and heartbreaking. During the musical montage when Andi, the terminally ill cancer patient who had been vouchsafed another year, was leaving the hospital I actually cried. Not because I was extraordinarily touched by her or her experience but because of the look on House's face. There are many interpretations that could be made but I saw it as House knowing that he needed something that Andi had so that he could start living again. He needed a reason, like the love Andi had for her mother, to stop being an emotional cripple. He needs and doesn't know if he can take because there are so many barriers in the way and he doesn't know if he even wants to tear them down.

And James Spader won the fucking Emmy? The stupid, it burns.

The Ducklings (Foreman, Chase and Cameron) were in fine form. How cool was it when Foreman saw the clot even when no one else did and that House respected him enough to trust him? So very, very cool. Chase was caring and a little stupid but I'm starting to feel the love for him again. Cameron was Cameron but nicely subdued after the drama of last week. And House let her use the markers to write on the whiteboard. Aaaawwwww. *snerk*

The only things that annoyed me were the musical montages and the lack of Cuddy. But then, an episode can never have too much Cuddy, in my opinion.

Good news: Lost season 2 premiere is tonight. Yay!

Bad news: Life is aggravating and I don't want to do it anymore.

Other news: I think I'll take a nap. There's no one here at work to see me anyway. ;-)

Word Origin of the Day: Yonder - Currently a colloquialism common in the southern United States, this word has a long history in English. It orignated in Old English as geond, meaning "away" or "there." A more formal related version of the same word - with the same background - is found with "beyond."

my whacky brothers, word origin of the day, house, work

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