(no subject)

Mar 31, 2005 10:13

Well, friends and compatriots, there was a new Lost last night.


Locke is quite possibly the coolest character I've ever seen on tv. He's complex and tragic and he fascinates me. It's no wonder that his episodes are among the best of the series (IMO, no succeeding ep has yet exceeded 'White Rabbit', the first one to focus on Locke). The man has issues and layers and I want to know everything about him. I want to know his whole life story and why he is the way he is. Even with everything that we saw tonight about his parents there is still so much more that I'm dying to find out. His story, both in flashback and in 'real-time' was gripping and extremely emotional. I'm overwhelmed, I think I could spend viewing after viewing picking apart the metaphorical symbolism of everything that was going on. And that dream? Duuuuuude.

It goes without saying that Terry O'Quinn is an amazing actor. And it was never more evident then it was last night. Wow. He is completely and utterly believable as Locke, a character that a lesser actor could easily turn into some sort of crazy religious nutjob. Yeah, he's definitely got that going on, but O'Quinn provides us with a Locke who is sympathetic, emotional and layered as well as being creepy. Frankly, it's the sympathy that he brings to the character that makes him, in my opinion, more creepy rather then less so. Cause crazy religious nutjobs are only dangerous when they're charismatic enough to gather followers around them. Otherwise they'd be that smelly guy with straggly hair out on the street corner holding a sign saying that the End is Nigh. He's done good for a Yupper, eh?

Here I was tonight, just starting to like Boone. Sure it helps to view him as Robin to Locke's Batman but he was actually starting to be rather likeable. I liked his lines, I was intrigued by the story about his nanny Theresa and now I want to know more about him and they had him fall off that freaking cliff! Of course, just as I'm starting to like him it looks like they're going to kill him off. Sure, it's been sounding like they're going to wait till the season finale to do the killing but I don't trust JJ Abrams and Company anymore then I trusted Joss Whedon or Chris Carter. Why, oh why do I watch tv shows created by people who like to hurt me?

But, yeah, if anyone were to die it would probably have to be Boone. His defining role in the show is as Locke's shadow. He has possibility but no real plot significance and no skills that aren't exceeded by other castaways. Poor Boone, I still hope you don't die even if you're the most expendable. And my friend Dan is going to be awfully disappointed, he started watching Lost all for teh pretteh of Ian Somerhalder.

I enjoyed the 'comedic' sub-plot. It proved that both Jack and Sawyer can be pretty dang engaging when they want to be. And though Kate still annoys me she was more inocuous. Michael, Jin, Hurley and Sun were used to good effect in the little cameos they had and seeing Sayid weld the glasses together was very Macguyver. It all amused me muchly.

All right guys, speculation time. What do you think that glowing light in the hatch was? Why did Locke have to sacrifice Boone to make it work? Will they dispose of the heroin before Charlie finds it? Will Boone's radio contact do any good? Why haven't they started planning an expedition to the Black Rock yet? Whatever happened to the monster in the jungle? Will Claire actually have her baby next week and if she does will it actually survive for long as babies are notoriously hard to deal with on tv sets?

ETA: auntiemeesh had a very good observation about Locke's character and how he is generally self-centered. In the hospital he said "He [his father] wouldn't do this to me." and on the hatch after Boone's accident he was asking the Island why it was doing that to him. Fascinating, I hadn't picked that up.

Questions, questions and more questions and JJ says that some answers (but not all) will be forthcoming in the 2 hour long season finale on May 25. I'm not sure that I trust him. So many show creators have treated me so badly in the past. *melodramatic sniffle*

OT: liz_marcs has posted the Ultimate Mary Sue Soundtrack which she has entitled Attack of the Mary Sues, Volumes 1 & 2. I have not downloaded it yet but it looks absolutely, hillariously wonderful. The horror of the Mary Sue is something all fans everywhere can agree on, it's our great unifier;-).

desert island shenanigans, music is my soul

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