(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 11:04


Had a very enjoyable weekend. Many things were discussed and cats were cared for. Saw Sin City twice. Yes, it's that freaking good.

I don't even know what I want to say about it and what I have to say probably isn't going to need a cut-tag. Sin City is not everybody's cup of tea, some people find it too violent or disturbing or boring or over-the-top and that's fine just fine. Me and a Certain Sister found it to be freakishly amazing. We both agree that Rodriguez is an absolute genius, that there are layers of cool in this movie that just beg to be peeled away.

I'm not completely sure if I can recreate a coherent representation of my first viewing of the film, but I'll give it the ol' college try.

On Saturday night we get to the theater after a carride spent discussing Boomtown, Fearless' episode in particular and the need for Boomtown: The Movie. Heck, if Joss Whedon can do it then Graham Yost should get the chance. Not only would it be a freakishly great film but we all know that it would be like Band of Brothers: The Reunion and that would be great. So there we are, jonesing for a fix, sitting in a strangely empty theater with a huge screen, stadium seating (that forms to your butt!) and THX surround sound. We've got popcorn and soda and we're ready.

But first, there are trailers. Hitchhiker's Guide is a must see. Mindhunters elicits more then a few squeal-y reactions (addendum: the next day we both built it up so much that when we got to the theater with baylorsr and it wasn't shown she vowed that there would be retribution. Thank goodness Professor!Zeke saved us from a beating). I am never seeing Amittyville Horror, not because it looks bad but because it looks so good that it'll give me issues for the rest of my life.

The movie starts and everything becomes a blur. I have no coherent thought as I'm thrown into the world of Basin City. I have enough brain capacity to be amazed by the actors and the look of the film. I am caught in the web of the dense noir storytelling and the anti-heroes that fill my screen. How can I single out any one performer when they are all so amazing?

It's a gloriously fucked-up movie that revels in the slimy underside of life. There's nothing morally redeeming about this movie and there will be a huge segment of humanity who will be shocked and offended by what it is and what they think it says. For me it is not only a work of genius and a stunning example of what modern film-making can accomplish but also an affirmation of life. These are characters who cling to life with every fibre of their beings, who yearn to live their own lives by their own rules and find a place where they can belong. Sure that sounds too artsy-fartsy and philosophical for a movie with lots of torture, death and nearly-naked women but it's the truth.

See, I told you, layers upon layers upon layers. Rodriguez is a genius and I bow at his feet. But I still refuse to see the Spy Kids movies.

And there were two fangirl moments to be had when Rick Gomez showed up and we giggled. Oh Georgie, we love you.

I think I need to see it again.

In other news, the Spartans lost to the Tarheels and will not be going on to the NCAA basketball championship. This makes me happy. Now the Illini need to kick some Tarheel ass.

Today is opening day for the Detroit Tigers. If the Red Sox can win the world series then it is completely possible for the Tigers to have a non-shitty season.

I have learned that Boomtown season one is on sale at Amazon for $17.89. Now none of us have any excuse for not owning this set. Excuse me while I run off and buy it.

tv is my crack, tigers, my boys/girls, movies are my anti-drug, fangirls are love

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