(no subject)

May 20, 2009 15:25

So, I've been hearing really awful things about Terminator: Salvation which is unfortunate. I've never been a huge fan of the Terminator universe (confession: I've never seen any of the movies all the way through. No, not even T2, though I think I've seen most of it at different times) but I liked the Sarah Connor Chronicles well enough and was hoping that they'd pull off a good movie. Plus, I have this bizarre fondness for McG (he's from Michigan! He produced The O.C. and Supernatural!) and I wanted him to prove that he's not just a big joke. But it looks like he might be better suited to producing awesome things than making them himself.

That's okay, not everyone is good at everything. For instance, I think JJ Abrams should totally stick to movies and stop making TV shows. Because his movies are awesome but his TV shows tend to collapse under the weight of their own mythology.

Heh, one of these days I should totally post the pseudo-RPF email exchange baylorsr and I had that consisted of voiemail messages left by Bob Singer, Eric Kripke, and McG. They were pretty hilarious, if I do say so myself. ;-)

Well, it sounds like if I go see a movie this weekend I'd be better served by going to see Star Trek for a fifth time. That could definitely be a recipe for good times.

Speaking of, I have some Star Trek fic to rec! I haven't really dug down deep into the renascent fandom but I've stumbled over a couple stories that are absolutely the bee's knees.

Mahawara by belegcuthalion. Spock/Uhura
This is a stunningly exquisite series of drabbles that beautifully weaves Uhura and Spock together. The author's use of language and the love of words is just spectacular.

How To Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership by sparky77. Gen
A hilarious story wherein Kirk learns there's more to being a Captain than saving the day and sleeping with hot chicks. With appearances from all of the major players. \0/

A Formal Dance in the Bowling Alley by loneraven. Gen
Kirk discovers why and how each of the members of his crew is so awesome. With bonus adorableness at no extra charge.

Don't accept a ride from James T. Kirk. Walk. by ethrosdemon. Kirk/McCoy
A really entertaining and thoughtful look at both Kirk and McCoy and their days at the Academy. Can I just tell you how much I love McCoy? Because I do, really, really a lot. He was always my favorite when I was a kid and that preference hasn't faded even a little bit.

Now go forth and read fic! And if you have any Star Trek stuff you want to share please do so in the comments. Because I know I'm only catching the outermost edge of all of the awesome things that must be appearing. In other words: I'd be forever grateful for the hook-up. *wink wink*

fic recs, to boldly go

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