(no subject)

May 17, 2009 14:42

Wow, it feels like a really long time has passed since I was last on lj, but it hasn't been that long at all. Guess I just had a busy week(end). I stayed down at FGC from Thursday-Saturday because Peanut (the baylorsrs' nephew) had a birthday party on Saturday so there didn't seem much sense in driving back and forth for everything. Hence the past few days have been full, what with the finale, a Friday spent analyzing the finale (both individually and In Group), and a Saturday spent at a kid's birthday party followed up with my fourth viewing of Star Trek. No wonder I'm bushed.

BTW, how do the continuing adventures of the Starship Impala strike you all? With its ongoing mission to loot new worlds, seek out new lifeforms and new sexual practices, to boldly hunt where no one has hunted before. *giggles*

Seriously, baylorsr's brain is pure crack. Of which I am always more than happy to enable.

I do have thoughts about the SPN finale. My reaction was more of a hmmmm than a flail, so bear that in mind.

Before I start I have to say that there are a ton of things I absolutely adored about the finale. I can't count the number of times my hands got all flappy over any number of things. It was pure Supernatural from start to finish and it had me on the edge of my seat.

I just wanted to get that out of the way in case I can't take my analyst hat off. I analyze because I care.

I haven't read a ton of post-finale reactions, there were just too many to do a thorough job of it by the time I had the chance to see them. But one thing I noticed was that the big fandom debate centered around whether or not Bobby was right when he yelled at Dean. For the record, I am totally with Bobby on that one and do think that family can be a massive pain in the ass but one you're stuck with, regardless. I find it fascinating that so many people were so divided over that scene because it played pretty well from where I was sitting. Let's just say that it was not the one thing I was dying to discuss when the episode was over.

My conflicted feelings arose much later in the episode. Actually, they arose in the final scene. See, througout the entire episode, heck, since the preview last week, hiyacynth and I had been talking about how Sam was going to go evil. But the middle of the episode we were convinced that he would be possessed by Lucifer.

And then it didn't happen. The episode ended and I was left blinking at the screen. Most seasons I'm all flaily and this season I just wasn't. I'd been expecting them to leave us on a character precipice and it didn't turn out that way. It just felt itchy, like something wasn't right.

I just really hope that there's more coming. SPN is usually pretty damn good about paying off the emotional arcs so I really hope they haven't magically waved a wand and put Sam and Dean back together again. So we'll see what happens in the next season's premiere.

Because OMG, here I am complaining about being underwhelmed when they opened a portal and raised Lucifer from Hell OMG! That's some really big shit right there. And any number of things can be taken from the Winchester dynamics in that scene. They've left themselves open to a lot of possibilities so just because they didn't do exactly what I would've done doesn't mean they won't do something equally as awesome. They've certainly done so in the past.

One more complaint, I was less than happy with the way Ruby died. I was glad to learn about her real plans (and, seriously, how awesome is Ruby at the long con?) and then she was just gone. I wanted a better pay off for her character. Yeah, she's evil but she's an interesting character whose death felt a little rushed.

Which reminds me, they'd better not have killed Anna off in 4x21 because that was a shitty way to do it if they did. I will be seriously pissed if all we got was a blast of white light and that was it. Seriously pissed.

*snicker* Here I am, bitching about how Sam wasn't evil enough and how Sam and Dean weren't divided for long enough when most everyone I've seen is ecstatic that the Dream Team's back together. But you all know how I get when it feels like a story hasn't played out the way it should have. I think another viewing is definitely in order. I have a feeling I'll pick up a lot that I missed the first time around.

And, like I said, for the most part I really enjoyed the episode. And OMG the way Chuck put his hand on Castiel's shoulder. BWAHAHAHAHA And Dean having his existential crisis in the 2001 room of existential crisises. *snorts* And, man, the way Sam's eyes turned black when he killed Lilith. There are more consequnces coming for the choices Sam's made this season.

I do feel strangely vindicated that Sam's power didn't really come from the demon blood. It just feels more right. And that Zachariah is really a dick, isn't he? I'd like to unleash a righteous smackdown on his ass. And his opinion of humanity is very low. I can't wait to have the chance to prove to him how wrong he is.

And BTW, Kripke? Neil Gaiman's on the phone for you. He'd like some royalty checks for all of the concepts you've appropriated. *grins* Not that I don't appreciate it. After all, I always approve of fanfic, no matter where I find it. ;-)

So, there you go. The above wasn't very organized, sorry about that. I'm still having a little trouble organizing my thoughts about everything. I have a sneaking suspicion that all of my hesitancy stems from the fact that this the finale was the first part of a multi-part story arc. Wow, just think about all of the ways this could go next year. I know which path I'd go down but there's no telling where Kripke will take us. I can't wait.

Oh, and that spec that I wouldn't tell anyone about? Yeah, I thought Bobby was going to bite it. All through 4x21 I was just waiting for them to kill him off and they didn't. Which, you know, yay Team Bobby! I was a little worried there for a bit.

Wow, so I think talking about the finale just liquified my brain. Okay, you all go about your business and I'll try to scrape some brain cells together. *makes shooing motions*

ep reactions, spn:season four, spn

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