(no subject)

May 19, 2006 10:03

Yesterday instead of doing anything productive I instead spent the entire day reading Supernatural fanfiction. NO JOKE! Possibly because I was just that ecstatic about hearing the final word that my show has officially been picked up for a second season. THANK THE POWERS THAT FUCKING BE. If you've seen the finale, which, like, no one on my f-list has, you will know what I mean.

I still kind of wish they had paired it up with Runaway, the new Donnie Wahlberg drama, but then I'd go into a coma every Thursday night and we don't need that happening, I suppose. Oh, and thanks to writerj for totally stealing my thunder and announcing Runaway before I did. And by "stealing my thunder" I mean giving me a heart attack of glee. Chair twirling might have been involved. What would I do without you, J?

My fall season TV schedule only has two conflicts. Monday at 9PM has Heroes and Runaway competing for my time (Greg or Donnie? Superheroes or family on the run? decisions, decisions ...) and Thursday at 9PM has Supernatural and Studio 60 but as much as I love the idea of the 'Josh and Chandler' show I love the 'Dean and Sam' show that much more. I might be easy but I'm not fickle and, unfortunately, my heart is already spoken for. On the plus side, that's what they invented VCRs for (oh, my kingdom for a TiVo).

At least I won't have to tape Veronica Mars next season. I heard what happened in the season finale and am not invested in any of the characters enough to continue my casual watching. If I had been emotionally invested I'd be pissed as hell and Rob Thomas might have been put on my 'destroy career ASAP' list but since I'm not he is spared.

You know who else is spared? Tyra Banks, for kicking that bitch Jade to the curb. That was some satisfying TV, right there.

In more mundane news, I slept for a grand total of 12 hours last night, I want to go all Office Space on the copier, and the weather needs to clear up, seriously.

tv is my crack, blather

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