
May 19, 2006 10:03

Yesterday instead of doing anything productive I instead spent the entire day reading Supernatural fanfiction. NO JOKE! Possibly because I was just that ecstatic about hearing the final word that my show has officially been picked up for a second season. THANK THE POWERS THAT FUCKING BE. If you've seen the finale, which, like, no one on my f-list ( Read more... )

tv is my crack, blather

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Comments 13

shirebound May 19 2006, 15:05:14 UTC
You know who else is spared? Tyra Banks, for kicking that bitch Jade to the curb. That was some satisfying TV, right there.

I was so happy when Danielle won!!! And I suspect that Jade didn't learn a thing from her experience. She still thinks that the judges didn't "get it"... If she had just remembered that models are paid to sell products, not sell themselves, she might very well have won.


hiyacynth May 19 2006, 15:11:29 UTC
models are paid to sell products, not sell themselves

YES! So well articulated, thank you! Aside from her complete inability to memorize lines and/or read a cue card, this is exactly what was wrong with Jade's Cover Girl commercial.


liptonrm May 19 2006, 16:40:28 UTC
Exactly. I also remember someone on the internets saying that ANTM was started in part to combat the nasty stereotypes that exist about models and modelling and how, if Jade had won, it would have only been proving that only the vacuous and self-absorbed actually make it, thereby contradicting the very reason for the show itself.

Thank goodness Danielle won. She's a sweetie and beautiful. *happy sigh*


hiyacynth May 19 2006, 15:08:58 UTC
Yesterday I had a TV panic attack on IM with blaurosen over finale/premiere season stress. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot go through another season of trying to get everything taped and still having some semblance of a life outside of my couch.

So: TiVo. There's too much good-looking new stuff I'm interested in for me and my crappy, can't-tell-time VCR to deal with.

I'm going to save my money and get TiVo plus the free 80-hour, 2-channel box (can record 2 shows that are on that the same time) and then buy a cheap DVR machine separate from the TiVo, onto which I can funnel the shows I want to store for posterity.

I totally missed the "Runaway" promo. Can't find it on the NYT website anymore :-( Donnie!!

I watch too much TV. I'm also going to give up cable altogether. The only things I watch on it are timesucks like TLC and crap marathons. I lose entire weekends to stuff that's on. I'd rather just be a slave to my "appointment" TV, and BSG is on digital cable so I don't get it anyway.

There. My TV manifesto.


liptonrm May 19 2006, 16:07:05 UTC
I also watch way too much TV. Well, when I'm free to watch TV. I lose whole days flipping channels, laying on my couch. I suppose I should be more productive but I can always justify it to myself by saying its "research." *snort*

You know that most TiVos have DVRs built in, don't you? At least, the Baylors' did and it was one of the cheaper, only records one show at a time, boxes. *sigh* I can only dream and wait till I'm grown up enough to have a TiVo of my very own...

You're giving up cable? I can understand the reasoning but cannot imagine myself every doing so. No History Channel to watch at 3AM when I can't sleep? No day long marathons of ANTM on VH-1? No Food Network? Dang, I've gotta get me a life. ;-)


writerj May 19 2006, 16:13:56 UTC
But it IS research. That's how I justify reading very fricking article on Wikipedia (and now Memory Alpha, omg and now i need DS9 and Voyager on DVD and I even want to read a summation of Enterprise though I heard it unnecessarily screwed up continuity etc. and you must stop me from writing the "Wesley comes back from Higher Planes of Existence to decompress with Mom and hook up with various people" pre-Nemesis fic i will not get into trek again i will not nooooo) and Googling the least little thing.


liptonrm May 19 2006, 16:43:23 UTC
Well, yes of course it's reasearch. Where would my fiction career be without television? Ummm, actually, that's a bad example because if I didn't have TV I probably would've filled that time with writing, but you get the idea. ;-)

You want me to stop you from writing crack? My great purpose in life is to prod all of my friends into writing crazy stuff and now you have me all curious about seeing Beverly depicted through Wesley's POV after his return. heee *prods*


lil_banik_slave May 19 2006, 17:53:05 UTC
I might check out that Studio 60 myself when it gets over here (Which will probably be in 60 years time)


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