My day off (today)

Mar 21, 2012 21:57

Today was another enjoyable day off.  I went to visit my Dad.  We went for a bike ride in the beautiful, sunny, hot weather, and had lunch at Dairy Queen.  We also stopped by the house he will be renting starting April 1st.  It felt good just to spend time with him and to be out on a bike for the first time this year.

This was taken from a walking/biking boardwalk/bridge and shows the Mississippi River.

The next one is the same river from a little park that we stopped at:

and finally, my favourite one, because it has my Dad in it:

Once home, I went for a good walk, cleaned my kitchen, and then got to talk to my sister-in-law.  We're co-ordinating moving furniture  for me, now that Dad's house has sold.  Some of my present furniture is going to Dad's new place, as well.

On the down side, my iPod Touch seems stuck on eternal 'repeat'.  I've deleted the playlists, created a new one, and even restored it to factory settings, and STILL it simply plays one song over and over and over unless I manually jump to the next song. GRRR :(

OH - I changed my cell phone plan and can now call many different countries for 5 cents/minute and I have unlimited texting now, too :)

And I have to add one more picture of the oh-so-photogenic Ian Somerhalder ...

Now, I must be off to bed to get my beauty rest.  I hope you all had a good day.  

real life, family, ian somerhalder, picspam

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