TVD 3.17: Break on Through

Mar 23, 2012 21:27

This episode brought home to me just how much of a Damon-stan I really and truly am.  It also made me realize that I am a die-hard Damon/Elena shipper (which shouldn't be a surprise, but my depth of obsession with them is a little more than I'd originally thought).

First, let me get my irrational rant out of my system.  I love Elena, I do, and I understand from her perspective that she's acting appropriately.  I just really hope her outlook towards both Salvatore brothers, but specifically Damon, changes in a hurry.  Her whole attitude smacked of condescension.  She seemed to think that Stefan can go back to the way he was on his own, with no help.  Suggesting that Damon isn't the best one to help him is totally off base.

I do NOT like the place that Damon/Elena are now.  I get that it's a journey, but need them to pass through here quickly, please!!

While naked!Damon and dancing Damon and using his charm to get what he wants is enjoyable, at my heart of hearts, I just don't want to see him with anyone who is not Elena.

Matt Davis deserves an award for his performance.  I couldn't believe how just his expression could portray the difference between good!Alaric and serialkiller!Alaric.  I was much more interested in his & Meredith's story this time. I loved that it was clear the moment he woke up on the couch that he was serial killer!Alaric.  That letter to Jeremy was all kinds of disturbed.

Big surprise, I loved everything that Damon chose to be.  He's keeping his distance from Elena because that's what he believes she wants, he's committed to helping his brother find the balance within him, he's a friend to Ric, and he's the clever bad-ass trying to find a way to get rid of The Originals.   He's all of this without asking for anything for himself in return.  I just adore him and want him to be happy.

Yay for Jeremy having a scene!!!  It's been far too long since we've seen him.

Caroline was her usual adorable self with Bonnie, and Jamie.  I love the her favourite blood is B Positive - such a good play on words. :D

And I actually felt pissed at Abby leaving Bonnie again.  It shouldn't have surprised me, but I felt badly for Bonnie all the same.

the vampire diaries

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