I'm on Vacation!!!!

Jan 22, 2012 13:43

So, in my head, vacation time looks like that ^. None the less, I am happy to have a week without work and battling road conditions at 6 am.

There are a bunch of things that I would like to get done this week including:

- going through my clothes and getting rid of wrong size or falling apart items
- Coming up with at least 1 interesting The Vampire Diaries post. I do have a couple of ideas for this one ...
- Figuring out how to get my pictures from my PC hard drive onto my MacBook hard drive and fixing my iTunes library, and making some new playlists.
- Getting to all my friends' journals to finish commenting on their awesome posts about the last episode ...
- Long walks and picture taking (as I haven't done that much at all lately)

Enjoyable things that I'm definitely doing:

- Riding Lesson tomorrow afternoon - YAY!! Cancelled due to freezing rain and my freakin' back :(
- Breakfast with Gina & Reid on Thursday
- Visiting my Dad and having lunch with family friends on Friday
- Coffee with 2 fangirl friends on Sunday :D.  It's so cool to have face-to-face TVD discussions!! This will happen soon...

Now I'm going to go on a picture-taking mission and try to clear my head of the depressing thoughts of my budget (with rent and car insurance and gas all increasing).

Just for fun, here's some artwork of my favorite celebrity couple:

My apologies to whoever created this, but I've looked through 26 pages on Photobucket and can't find it again to credit you.  I should have thought to note your name when I saved this back in December 2010 ...

real life, nina/ian

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