My appreciation of The Vampire Diaries fandom

Jan 18, 2012 21:12

Hello F-Listers and a special *wave* to all my latest friends acquired at goldy_dollar's friend meme.  Welcome to my corner of the LJ universe :).

This post is dedicated to all the good things that The Vampire Diaries has brought into my life, not the least of which is all of you (my online friends).  I'm so lucky to have found a positive atmosphere and great people to share my love of this show with.  I'm regularly and pleasantly surprised at how many kind, interesting, and intelligent friends I have to delve into discussions with.  No other show has brought this into my life.

While the social aspect is a big thing with me, this fandom has also inspired me to let my creative side out in whatever form with no fear of judgement or backlash.  Coming up with ideas for posts and following through with them, allows me a creative outlet that I'm definitely lacking in my day job.  And while, for the moment, these outlets may be in the form of quotes and pictures, they may certainly evolve into writing fan fiction (all I have to do is squash my perfectionist tendencies long enough to write a story).  They could also turn into character studies or anything else.  That's what is so cool to me - that I've found an environment where there are so many possibilities - I just have to let myself explore them.

I love that there are so many differing opinions and that we all seem to interact kindly and respectfully.  I tend to stay away from negativity and conflict and judgemental types and I have yet to find any of that here.

This fandom has also given me the opportunity to transition online friends into 'in-person' friends and has ignited the desire to meet more of my f-listers.  Best of all, these friendships while instigated by The Vampire Diaries are not restricted to just that.  I have drawn immeasurable support and understanding in real life from those that I've met here.

Thank you to each and every one of you and to the fabulous show that brought us all together.  I love my F-List <3.

I leave you with this picture of Elena.  Her expression is so telling of what lies beneath the surface.  To me, her expression says, "You can't kiss me again because I'm lacking the strength to resist you at this moment and I would just love to give in and let you comfort me after that horrible encounter with Stefan".

i love my f-list, the vampire diaries

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