20 of my favorite Elijah quotes

Jan 23, 2012 22:43

This started out as a Top 20 post, but due to my inability to rank them, it has evolved into simply 20 of my favorite Elijah quotes.  They are in no particular order but I did whittle the number of quotes down from more than 30.

"Well, if I catch you, the game will be over." (2x19 Klaus)

This one shows Elijah's lighter side and speaks to how his mind works. Besides that, I just adore flashbacks and the 1492 England period is my favorite.

Damon: I killed you. You were dead.
Elijah: For centuries now.
(2x10 The Sacrifice)

Daniel's delivery was perfection (as was Ian's). The timing, his inflection, and the expression on his face were awesome. It was such a great comic break in this intense scene. It had me laughing out loud the first time I saw it and my reaction has remained the same each time I've re-watched it (once or twice ;)

"Can I trust you?" (2x19 Klaus)

The theme of trust in this show is very interesting. Elena and Elijah illustrate this very well in this scene. Elena asking him the same question first, when she was the one who daggered him, was rather ironic and set up Elijah putting it back to her beautifully, with just the right emphasis on 'you'.

"Sometimes there is honor in revenge, Stefan. I won't fail you." (2x21 The Sun Also Rises)

I love how Elijah combines two ideas that are generally thought to be mutually exclusive and does it in such a way that it seems quite believable. His noble side and commitment to honor are not traits you'd expect to find in an Original vampire, but he embodies them. I find him just fascinating.

"Hello there." (2x08 Rose)

After inspecting a rightfully frightened Elena and finding her to be human, Elijah's inflection on these two words shows his delight in having found a doppelganger. This gives us our first taste of his opinion of her, and how he sees her differently than any other vampire who had come across her previously. Looking back, I can now pick up on Elijah's deference to Elena from this moment when he first meets her.

"In the name of our family, Niklaus ..." (2x21 The Sun Also Rises)

This is vengeful Elijah on the cusp of ending this for good, moments before the big surprise twist. I could feel his anger and betrayal resonating in his tone of voice. Daniel's performance was superb. I've always subscribed to the 'less is more' train of thought and Daniel encompassed beautifully that on this line. It worked like a charm as he had set a great foundation of evenness and an understated quality for the majority of his lines, so that all it took was a tad more for the deeply intense lines (of which, this is one). I just love that the show hammers home the importance of family <3.

"Forgive me. You remind me of someone." (2x19 Klaus)

*sighs* Quite the enigmatic teaser line this is from the show's writers. Who can resist Elijah who is clearly taken aback by Katerina's appearance. I'd be willing to bet that Elijah was very much in love with the original Petrova and shares part of that with the human Katerina. I just love the expression on his face, and the tone of his voice as he brings himself back to the present (er 1492).

"Young vampires; so arrogant." (2x14 Crying Wolf)

I love the way Elijah showed his disdain without seeming condescending. This one got 2 pictures because the expression on his face after giving the rest of his 'keep Elena safe' speech was lovely and I like looking at it ;) He's just so charming and suave even when he's giving Damon a dressing down.

"Perhaps." (2x19 Klaus)

The simplicity of this and that he's clearly lost in a memory when he says it makes this one of my favorites. The show has a wonderful way of playing with parallels. This one expression on his face gave rise to my curiosity in the parallel between Elijah-Katerina-Klaus and Damon-Elena-Stefan.

"She'll never forgive you and never for a vampire is a very long time."(2x20 The Last Day)

I love that Elijah wants to share advice with Damon. He seems to have a desire to mentor him and give him the benefit of his many, many, many years of experience. At the same time, his expression suggests that there's an interesting story behind that advice. He could be referring to Klaus or maybe it's a former love of his.

"I do not believe in love, Katerina." (2x19 Klaus)

He really pulls at my heartstrings with this statement. How badly must he have been hurt for it to have completely taken away his ability to believe in love??? Of course, he had been a vampire for 500 years at this point and he may well just simply want to do away with all the heightened feelings that his humanity bring him.

"Excuse me, to whom it may concern. You're making a grave mistake, if you think that you can beat me. You can't." (2x08 Rose)

How entertaining is Elijah's lighthearted, supremely confident speech to the unseen Salvatore brothers? Highly, I would say. His body language is wonderful and when combined with the perfectly delivered words made for an excellent performance.

I believe the term you're searching for is OMG."

I'm sure this is one of the most often quoted Elijah lines (although, I prefer the uncensored version with OMFG ;). It's just delightful how he's speaking of being behind on the times but uses 'texting' language while sipping a cup of tea. His style and smoothness while recounting his story is beguiling.

"The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain. However, we reached a peaceful agreement she and I. Please come." (2x11 By The Light of the Moon)

I enjoy the lyrical quality to this phrase. It befits a vampire who is more than a thousand years old. Also, his regard for Elena is again on display.

"Right before you and your friends killed me. Twice." (2x19 Klaus)

The timing and the emphasis on 'Twice' makes this line another of my favorites. He isn't angry with them for killing him, but he makes it known that he hasn't forgotten and they'd do well to consider this before trying it again.

"Good evening, Katerina. Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened." (2x11 By The Light of the Moon)

Here's a good example of the scary, powerful persona lurking underneath the smooth, elegant exterior. I remember thinking that her really is a BAMF if Katherine is frightened of him after all these years.

Elijah: Although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?
Damon: Crystal.
(2x15 The Dinner Party)

I just can't get enough of Elijah's smooth, calm, but powerful threats. His manner of speaking is like an iron fist inside a velvet glove. Damon's reaction only emphasized the impact Elijah's words had.

"That doesn't mean anything to me until you live up to it." (2x19 Klaus)

Another aspect of this show that I love, and Elijah brings it out beautifully, is the importance of a person's word. This line is simple and direct and truthful. These are all traits that I admire in Elijah.

"You realize this is the third time I've saved your life now?" (2x14 Crying Wolf)

I love how Elijah keeps reminding Damon of his inferiority without appearing smug or unkind about it. It's more like he just wants to keep Damon's ego in check.

"We did once." (2x19 Klaus)

Three little words to refer to some elusive, powerful memory of Elijah's. The tone his voice takes on coupled with that faraway look in his eyes brings out such curiosity in me about this Original family.

There you have my ramblings about the awesome character of Elijah. It feels good to get this done and posted.

PS Thanks, arabian for the perfect icon :)

the vampire diaries, elijah, favorite quotes, picspam

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