Vampire Diaries 30 day meme - Days 14 and 15

Jan 04, 2011 21:32

Day 14 - A scene that made you sad or cry
Day 15 - A scene that made you happy

I had thought that I had this one figured out, until I read another blog (thanks, badboy_fangirl) .  At that point, I shifted my thinking and came up with this one that does both.

Rose (S2 x 08) The staircase scene (see clip below)

The first time I saw this, I went through quite the range of emotions in a very short time.  I mean, seriously, the scene is only 36 seconds long but had me feeling elated, bursting with happiness, to utterly sad and choking back the tears.  Only on The Vampire Diaries would this be taking place.

Elated at the pure joy on Damon's face when he hear's Elena's voice and sees her on the staircase:

to bursting with happiness at Elena's reaction (quick exhale, then positively angelic little smile):

It was the expression on Damon's face a moment later (kudos, once again, to Ian's incredible action skills) that had me choking back the tears:

He's so deserving of a hug from Elena in that moment, it breaks my heart that he didn't get to experience it. In the subsequent re-watching (many times over), I have actually shed a few tears.  This constitutes the sad part.

The happiness part is based on Elena's reaction to Damon after she sees his joyful expression.  Her quick exhale followed by the half-smile of intense relief speak volumes to what is in her heart.  We are so rarely shown the depth of her feelings for him, but in that passed-much-too-quickly instant, we were.  Little did we know at the time, that there would be more intense reactions to come ;o)

The other part that made me happy was the closing where she's in Stefan's arms but looking directly and openly at Damon.  Having them both simply mouth their words, made the exchange feel more intimate between her and Damon.  Also, she holds his gaze for as long as possible before finally closing her eyes just as the scene ends.  This suggests to me that Stefan is her safe harbour after preceding, harrowing events, but her fear for Damon's life is the more dominant emotion.

So, there you have it.  One short scene that made me both happy and sad.  How's that for efficiency ;o)  ??

the vampire diaries, damon/elena, damon salvatore, elena gilbert, meme

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