Aug 18, 2007 20:53
This only strengthens my feelings that I should switch to a different system. There's already two other guys running 3.5 games and another guy strongly thinking about starting another one. I think I'd be better off picking a different system to run rather than adding to the d20 glut.
I've been considering runing HARP, GURPS, Artesia, and Savage Worlds as far as systems go. I've also considered Iron Heroes, it's d20, but different enough that it might be fun. I've got part of a campaign worked out for Iron Heroes, but it probably wouldn't be too hard to retool for one of the other systems.
For HARP I'd probably run something set in Rallanon, my homebrew world. I've got some stuff converted already so it wouldn't be too hard to get that going. As far as a plot I don't know what I'd do. I might convert Elrax (Rax the Grey's son) and have the player's be his companions on his search for his father.
For GURPS I'd like to run a vikings game. The characters would be second or third sons of swedish carls who've joined up with the local jarl for a raiding trip. They would sail south to hit some slav villages before heading west to Hedeby to offload the loot. If the games goes good, and the characters manage to make a good name for themselves, I might continue from there with a trading trip up to the Finns.
For Artesia I'd probably run some generic adventuring, maybe helping with some raids against the Djar Mael or something. I'd really like to do something with the game, but I haven't come up with any really interesting ideas yet.
For Savage Worlds I think I'd like to do a 50 Fathoms game. 50 Fathoms is a setting for Savage Worlds. It's a pirate setting, lots of buckling of swashes and such. I've played a little bit of Savage Worlds before and it was fast and fun, just like they advertise.
The Iron Heroes game I've come up with involves a bit of cooperative world building, something that I could just as easily do with the other systems. The plot revolves around a great sorcerer who's taken over the area of some scottish viking types and formed an empire. The group would get involved in stopping an invasion by this new empire.