Aug 23, 2007 15:50
All this hullabaloo with 4th edition D&D along with the fact that the RPG'ers here don't mix well with my style of gaming have lead me to consider becoming a board game geek. I've been interested in board games for years, fancy stuff like Shogun, Axis and Allies, etc., RPG spending has always taken precedence though. One of the other things that's appealing to me is the 0-prep. I don't have to work out an adventure with NPCs, plot, etc. I can just open the box, get out the pieces, and go. We'll see if I can get anyone else interested. I don't think it'll be too hard if I'm footing the bill ;>
What I'm looking at as candidates to start with are FFG's Warcraft, World of Warcraft, Game of Thrones, Twilight Imperium, and Starcraft. Also the aforementioned Shogun and Axis & Allies along with LotR Risk. Of these I've only played LotR Risk, but all of them have good reps. I think I'll be trolling ebay for deals in the coming months.