What the hell, I guess I should update

Mar 11, 2011 16:17

Hey y'all.

I've been thinking about updating for quite some time, but every time I start, I think "... well, this isn't very interesting." Well, fuck it. The best way to get into writing is to write, so here it is.

broodingfool and I are getting ready to move in two weeks. Right now we're still in my one-bedroom apartment... with four cats. It's cozy. A co-worker referred me to a neighbor of hers who is moving to Ohio for his job and can't/doesn't want to sell his house. So we got a sweet deal on this place. It's in a nice quiet neighborhood filled with cat ladies. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, all new kitchen appliances. My favorite is the stove, which is one of those ones with the smooth ceramic top. SO EASY TO CLEAN. OMG. Washer and dryer are also included. The best part is that he doesn't mind the kitties. No pet deposit, no hassle whatsoever. ROCK.

We've had a kitty-cold outbreak here. Vader got the sniffles and got better, then Hal got the sniffles and poor Beast got a full-blown cold. He was all sleepy and sniffly for the last few days. We had to switch him to stinky wet food while he recovered, because he couldn't smell anything else. Hal loves to drive everyone crazy, but he was kind enough to take Beast off his "hit list" while he was sick. We know that Beast is feeling better because a) he's eating kibble again, and b) Hal is fucking with him.

Mystra didn't get the cold at all because she stays the hell away from the other three.

I got The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson for Christmas, and just got around to reading it a couple of weeks ago. It is SO GOOD. I mean, I was impressed with Elantris and the last two Wheel of Time books, but to see his "mature" writing in his own epic fantasy book was just fantastic. My favorite thing about Sanderson's writing is the surprises and plot twists, successful not through omission of key facts, but of very careful and creative misdirection. It's all there - it just... points somewhere else. And the world of The Way of Kings is so different, but familiar, but alien. The environment, with rock instead of dirt and grass, and highstorms, is definitely its own character.

Now I'm reading Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians, a kids' book by Sanderson. I'm not too far into it yet, but I'm totally hooked.

fantasy books, darth vader, beast, brain dump, o hai thar, hal, health

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