Friday Five

Mar 23, 2007 00:57

In lieu of actual content, I present to you... thefridayfive!

1. If you could suddenly speak one language fluently (that you don't currently speak) what would it be?
Old English, because it's fun to speak. I guess Spanish would be more practical, though. *sigh*

2. If you were to suggest a foreign film, that you really enjoyed, what one would you suggest?
I don't watch many foreign films, but I just saw Pan's Labyrinth not too long ago. It was really, really good.
3. If you had to call another country home (other than the one you currently live in) what one would you choose?

4. If you went out to buy an import music CD, what one would you buy?
I don't listen to much imported music, either. God, you'd think I'd be more cultured, wouldn't you? I like D-A-D, and I don't think we have anything after Soft Dogs. I guess I'd get Scare Yourself.

5. If you were to chose an ethnic dinner, what would it be?
Ooh, see, I DO do foreign food. Hmmmmm. I haven't had Indian food for a while. I want Indian food. *drool*

friday five, meme, about me

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