Uh oh, it's another meme!

Mar 06, 2009 13:29

This one's stolen from iquit

List ten celebrity crushes and then answer the questions under the cut.

1. Nick Carter
2. Brian Littrell
3. AJ McLean
4. Howie Dorough
5. Keita Tachibana
6. Ryohei Chiba
7. Ryuichi Ogata
8. JC Chasez
9. Lance Bass
10. Bret Harrison

So what do you like most about 2?
Oh my! Um... never really thought about this. First off, he's hot. And he's a total family man. AND HE'S HALF MY OTP. Yes.

If you could do anything with 4, what would it be?
Tease Nick all day. Haha

Who would you choose between 5 and 7?
KEI-CHAN! Totally.

Out of a ten, how much would you rate 1?

What do you find most attractive about 1?
His eyes, and his smile, and his laugh, and... EVERYTHING.

If you could go out with 3, what type of date would you go on?
Oh, clearly, we'd hit a club then go back to his room and... *cough*

If 8 was a type of season, which season would it be?
I say he'd be an Arizona summer (yes, there is a difference!) He's hot and a little crazy.

Why is 10 not higher up your list?
I have a thing for people who are famous for their music.

So what does 10 have to do to be brought higher up?
Sing, and be good at it, I think.

What would the ideal situation be for you for 2 and 4?
lol. BRIAN AND HOWIE. Oh wow. IDK. I think it's been done. Remember when Howie surprise Brian on tour and they made fun of the other three? Yeahhhh.

Which two people would you want to be stuck with on a desert island?
Nick and Keita. *cough*

Marry, shag or kiss - 4, 6, 8?
Marry Howie, shag JC, kiss Ryo.

What do you hate most about 7?
He's the "Howie" of w-inds. - POOR HAIR CHOICES. lol.

Have you ever thought how you'll react when you meet 3?
Of course, and 1, 2, 3, and 5, 6, 7. And it involves freaking out.

Have you seen 1 and 2 together on TV before?
Of course. Many times. They're in the same group.

Have you ever dreamt about 6?
I think so. Yes. I have.

Who would you take to a prom/ball with you?
NICK! And I technically did it. For theljprom. IT NEEDS TO COME BACK. BEST SATURDAY NIGHT IN A LONG TIME.

Cuddle, glomp, or kiss 1, 3, 5?
Glomp Keita (it's a Japan fan thing, so yeah), kiss AJ, cuddle Nick.

If you could give anything to 10, what would it be?
I have no idea. lol.

Out of all of them - who would you:
Kick? Nick, for some of his poor choices in the past. Or AJ, for his current hair choice.
Kiss? Nick, obvs.
Pinch cheek? Brian!
Run away with? Nick
Act like an idiot with? AJ
Cry on? Brian or Howie. They'd listen without judging.
Take to see your parents? lol. All of them? No. Not Nick or AJ.
Cross dress with? Haha. Nick! Or JC. lol.
Swap lives with for a day? Wow. Um. Any of them.

internet: meme

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