Some real life stuff and a confession

Mar 06, 2009 21:32

I'm gonna be jumping on the "take and upload a photo everyday" bandwagon once I'm settled back on the Internet at home. I'm not gonna call it a Project 365 because I'm probably not gonna make it for 365 days. I'll be lucky if I make it to the end of the year, but I will surely try!

So, I've been weighing my options about what to do when my lease runs out. I'm probably staying there, but I don't know. I'll see. So yeah.

Ugh, okay, I've finally gotten up enough courage to say this in my journal:

So remember when I was talking about having this super secret about me? Yeah. I've had bouts of sexual confusion over the last few months. I've thought that maybe I might be maybe bisexual, but not enough to actually come out. It's weird. I'm sitting here going, "I have celebrity girlcrushes and write femmeslash and I can still call myself straight?" But all my real life crushes have been on men, and my top ten celeb crushes are all men. So, I don't even know. Ugh.

If anyone feels the need to defriend me because of this, I won't be offended. Okay, I lie. I will be totally offended, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

internet: flickr, real life: men and dating, general: project 365, real life: apartment, general: breakdown

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