Title: "In the Jungle"
by Eve Le Dez (
Character: James Norrington, as described in one of
wicked_jade's stories
Rating: G
Disclaimer: No harm meant, no money made. My muses come and go as they like - they just kindly allow me to draw them from time to time. ;) Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.
"In the Jungle"
Indian ink and watercolour paint on 300g watercolour paper,
digitally aged
A close-up view of the picture above can be found here. Artist's note:
Dedicated with thanks to
for writing awesome Navyboy goodness.
And as an incentive to write that sequel - because I wanna know what happens next!
Seriously, how am I supposed to resist the temptation of such a description? I'm probably not ~ or at least I didn't put up much resistance before reaching for my pencils... So because I'm no good with words, because I always have the nagging suspicion that whenever I try to express my gratitude for awesome fic verbally I fail and sound like some empty-headed landlubber, have some Commodore in extremely hot civilian dress instead.
Don't they say that a picture's worth a thousand words? *^_^*
And now I've bored you long enough:
Go read the story here! And if you've already read it, go read it again. ;)