Title: "Precious Moments"
by Eve Le Dez (
Character/pairing: The usual suspects...
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: No harm meant, no money made. My muses come and go as they like - they just kindly allow me to draw them from time to time. ;) Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.
"Precious Moments"
Pencil on white paper, digitally shaded
Just a quick doodle that turned out nicely. Obviously taking place on dry land, since there's no way the two boys could cuddle up to each other like that in a cot aboard a ship of His Majesty's Royal Navy.
What else is there to say, really? I'm sure you don't need an intellectually valuable comment from me every time I post some art, do you? ;)
The sketch for this drawing can be found here. ~Eve