The Letter

Aug 08, 2009 17:30

SM owns it adult content

Edwards POV

The wait was killing me.

Seriously...killing me.

I'd been patient over the past five months for today to get here and now it was dragging like hell.

I'd watched the time tick by agonisingly slowly throughout the day until it was time to leave for the airport. It finally hit eleven thirty pm and we climbed into the cab to go. Our flight was in the early hours of the morning and I was hoping to grab some kind of sleep on the plane; but I doubted that I would be able to with the sweetest reunion of my life less that a day away.

I'd managed to keep this from Bella. My parents had played their part along with Mrs Swan and her significant other. As far as she was concerned there was just no possible way that we could make it for the wedding. She'd been told that my folks had tight work commitments that they'd tried to get out of but just couldn't manage it. She'd bought it and spent many hours trying to come up with ways for me to get around the situation...pushing my resolve to the limit. I'd had to constantly remind myself not to slip up too.

The truth was that my parents had organised two weeks vacation time. My mother had been secretly helping Renee with wedding plans and wanted to go earlier so she could help with all the finalizing...Meaning that I would have two whole weeks to spend with my best friend.

So knowing she'd expect me to be on line to talk when I knew we'd be at the airport...I had to use my initiative.

The heat at the airport on our end of the journey was enough to cook an omelette. It was sticky and stifling even with the late hour so I took myself out side, staying close enough to the terminal to piggy back the internet connection. I leaned against the white wall of the building hoping she'd think I was outside my house rather than waiting to get on a plane to see her.

It worked like a charm.

I hate this.

Her face was flushed with defeat and resting on her hand that sat threaded in her hair.

I know, me too. I wish I could be there.

I don't think I can get through this without you.

I watched as the camera picked up the light reflecting off of a single tear as it fell effortlessly over her cheek making me feel like a complete asshole. That was the one point I came closest to giving in and telling her everything but the selfish part of me reigned supreme and kept me quiet. I knew it would be worth it when I saw her.

You've made it to eighteen without me

being there to catch you every time

you stumble Bella. You'll be fine. You

could always take your laptop and set

it up so I can watch lol.

Her shoulders shuddered as a shaky breath escaped her but she tried her best to smile.

I know but I just really hoped I'd get to see you.

I could really use one of your amazing hugs right


I really wanted to be able to hug her too, and soon enough I would, but for now I had to stand fast. My mind on the other hand couldn't stay still if it tried as it raced through numerous other things it wanted me to do to her that weren't just as innocent as a hug. I bit my lip as I felt all my blood rush south.

One day, when you least expect it, I'll be

there to give you an actual hug.

I gave her the best smile I could muster before trying to change the subject.

So do I get to see your dress seeing as I'm not

actually going to get to see it on?

I watched as she dropped her head groaning before walking over to what I assumed to be her closet. When she came back into view she was sticking her head through the gap between the hanger and the dress so it hung around her neck. I chuckled as she pulled out the sides for me to see and pretended to twirl around on the spot. It was softest blue I'd seen and I knew without a doubt that she would look incredible in it.

My father and Jasper suddenly came into view and I knew that meant our time was up for now. Jasper was coming along for the experience apparently. Bella's Mom had said it was fine and he was more than welcome, he even knew not to expect me to be around for him to torment the shit out of while we were there but he'd met my cousins before when they'd come to visit. Rosalie had tried to tag along too and I drew the line right on that shit before it started. She'd already made Bella think there was something going on between us once and I'd spent ages the following day telling her that Rose was just a blonde haired bimbo that I wouldn't piss on if she was on fire. I didn't like her like that. My eye's only ever saw Bella.

It's beautiful. I bet you'll look stunning in

it. I'm going to have to turn in...I have a

heavy day at school tomorrow so I'll more

than likely catch up with you after school ok?

I smiled internally that the next time I'd talk to her would be in person but she sighed, resolved in the lie...I hated lying to her. I didn't have school tomorrow at all, we'd finished for spring break the day before.

Ok well I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow then.

Bet on it.

I smiled at her and winked; watching as she blushed and bit her lip.

I will, don't you worry about that.

She blew me a kiss again and I realised we were flirting a little with each other and that made me feel all fuzzy and warm. I thought back to when I used to hold her hand and kiss her; it made me wonder if I did it now...whether or not I'd still get that intense tingle when our lips brushed against each other.

The little box disappeared before I shut down my system and shoved it back into my hand luggage.

“She's still got no clue huh?” My Father asked with a smirk on his face.

“Not one iota.” I answered as he slapped his hand on my shoulder; we both chuckled as we walked back toward the terminal.

Bella's POV

How was I going to get through this without him?

I hadn't talked to him in nearly twenty four hours and it felt like the end of the world!

How I ever managed to survive before my laptop was beyond me. But I had survived. I'd had to wait a week to a week and a half for my letters from him before and I was content with that but it felt like I'd had all my limbs amputated rendering me helpless...not just my limbs but my eye's my ears and my heart. My heart hurt the most. But I had to respect Dr and Mrs Cullen and that they couldn't just drop everything like that to come here.

I'd bumbled my way through the last day of school before spring break. How the hell I managed to concentrate and make it through the day I had no idea, but I did. Alice and Angela had kept me busy along with Emmett but mind mind barely wondered away from thoughts of my best friend.

Angela had asked if I'd had any acceptance letters for college and squealed when I told her I'd received one from Dartmouth the day before. I on the other hand couldn't quite seem to get enthused about it. The past few weeks had been filled with wedding plans, wedding plans and more wedding plans. I tried so hard for my mother's sake to keep my chin up but when the one time I thought for sure that I'd get to see my best friend disintegrated before my eyes...I found it hard to be happy about anything. The truth was I was crushed that I wasn't going to see Edward. I hated it. I wanted to do nothing but wallow in self pity in my room.

After shrugging Angela off as politely as possible I fucking ran into Mike Newton. I'd just made it to my truck, ready to drive out of this hell hole when the toad that had chased after me since I moved here tried to get my attention. He wouldn't get that I wasn't interested in him. He was talking about something but I didn't take any of it in; instead I pictured Edward striding over the parking lot, punching him clean out before sweeping me up into his arms and carrying me off into the sunset...Yeah because life was really that romantic. I tuned back in just as he mentioned something about dinner and me in the same sentence.

“I'm sorry what?” I tried refocusing my eyes on him.

“I said did you maybe want to get dinner sometime...with...with me?” He grinned smugly and put a hand by my head, resting it against my truck and closing the gap between us.

“Damn...I'd love to but I have a very strict dietary requirement.” I made a charade of hissing in disappointment, falsely giving him hope.

“I'm sure we could find somewhere to accommodate your needs he got even closer and I felt a little uncomfortable but stood my ground.

“I'm sure everywhere could.” He looked at me puzzled.”My requirement is that you are nowhere near me when I'm eating...If you were it could cause me to throw up.” I nodded like I'd just given him a serious explanation.

He huffed and backed off.

“You know you can be a real stuck up bitch sometimes.” He spat.

“And proud of it by all accounts.” I smiled as sweetly as I could with so much bile wanting to expel itself from my body at the thought of how close he'd been to me. I climbed into my decrepit old truck and headed home.

I was completely deflated by the time I made it there and dragged my sorry ass through the front door. I went through my usual routine of throwing my bag by the coat stand and heading for the bottom of the stairs.

“Bella honey is that you?” She walked out into the hall and stood looking up at me with a strange light flashing in her eyes.

“No Mom it's the pope and he wants to know if he can steal the drapes, he needs a new robe and they're just the shade he's looking for.” My tone dripped with sarcasm.

“Very funny Bella! If you're going to be like that then I guess I shouldn't tell you that a package came for you today and...”

“A package? For me?” I cut her off.

“Yes for you...I put it on your bed.” Again I could see that gleam in her eye that meant something was going on.

“Thanks Mom.” I tried to sound more chipper for her and less hostile but gave up and turned to head upstairs to my room.

Oliver stood leant against the frame of his room door grinning like he'd just had a good blow job. I stared the fucker down and grabbed the handle of my door. He chuckled before going back into his room. I let out a dejected sigh and opened it.

I froze in place.

“Hey you.” his voice reached down to my very soul.

“Edward! Oh my god!” He was on his feet and rapping his arms around me before I had a chance to release the breath I'd unconsciously been holding.

I clung to him for dear life and he tightened his grasp around me, burying his face in my hair.

“Oh god.” I whispered over and over in shock.

“When you least expect it remember.” I felt him smiling against me and I pulled away enough to see him properly.

He was so much taller than he'd seemed but then he'd usually been sat down when we'd talked; I needed to push up on my tiptoes to reach him so he hunched down meaning I didn't have to stretch. His hair was exactly the same kind of unruly but sculpted mess as I remembered and his green eyes took away my breath as they shone down at me. But he was still my Edward...I still got a tingle from his touch...and I never wanted to let go of him ever again, even though I knew I would inevitably have to. For now we were together and falling straight back into the familiar...just Bella and Edward without so much as a hint of awkwardness or hesitation.

After a few moments he pulled me over to my bed and sat us down; keeping an arm around my back and using his other to brush a stray bit of hair out of my eyes.

“I missed you more than you can ever imagine.” He whispered with a sigh.

“I'm pretty sure I can imagine, I missed you too.” I beamed up at him and something passed between us that didn't need words.

“When did you get here?” I asked trying to figure out the math in it all.

“About fifteen minutes before you came home.”

I quickly figured out the flight time...transfers...check in usually a couple of hours before a flight...

“You were at the airport last night? When we talked you had to be already at the airport!” My brow wrinkled at the deception but dissipated before I could feel hurt from being lied to...It was a good lie.


We talked for a while longer before I suddenly jumped up and grabbed his hand, pulling him up and out of the door with me.

Oliver was stood by his door again chuckling at me.

“Edward...Oliver...Oliver...Edward” I panted as I passed, not stopping for a proper introduction.

I wanted to keep him for myself.

He mumbled something along the lines of 'we've met'

I was in such a rush that I almost tripped and fell on the stairs but his arms shot out and caught me protectively...strongly...lovingly.

It took a moment for me to collect my thoughts and compose myself.

But then I was off again with him laughing at me as he laced his fingers through mine.

We breezed through the kitchen with a quick 'Hi mom, bye mom' and her protesting that I could let the poor boy say hello properly and that I wasn't being very civil...but I didn't care. I headed for the mighty Oak and it's hideaway haven, only stopping when we could go no further without the aid of the rope ladder. I looked at him as I panted to catch my breath and giggled as I launched myself up the ladder, looking back down over my shoulder to see if he was following. He was. He seemed to be swallowing hard as he followed. I fell through the hatch first with him following seconds later; both of us collapsing in a fit of laughter. We stayed laid there on our backs, looking at each other until we calmed down. He reached for my hand again and entwined our fingers before bringing our hands to his lips. He kissed the back of my hand and I melted as his eyes bore into mine.

“I really can't find the words to tell you just exactly what you mean to me Bella.”

fan fiction the letter

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