The Letter

Aug 07, 2009 23:32

SM owns it all. Adult content

Edward's POV

I finally gave in and greeted the morning sporting an almost painful morning wood; reluctantly rousing myself the most pleasurable dream I'd ever had involving my best friend. Ever since I'd seen her appear to me in that little blue box on my laptop I'd found it hard to think of anything else.

She was like a drug to me now; a habit that I was in no rush to quit. If I didn't get a daily fix of seeing her beautiful brown eyes I started to suffer withdrawals...antsy...bouncing knees...shaking...fucking debilitating pain in my heart...all that kind of shit.

Bella Swan was no longer the little gangly girl that I had my first kiss with...or the tiny little three year old that ran around the back yard with me naked until we fell over squealing and giggling at each other; which my mother had photographic evidence of that she'd use to embarrass me at any... given...opportunity. She wasn't just my best friend in my eyes either...She was now a beautiful long haired brunette, with no hint of a child left in her features, that made my body twitch in all the best kind of ways. Of course she had no idea what she did to me and I wasn't about to tell her that just sitting talking to her would cause me to get hard.

The past week at school had been hell and I was glad it was over; plus the weekend meant I'd get to spend more time talking to Bella. I stretched my body out and yawned as my bedroom door burst open and Jasper came bounding in, more chipper than usual.

“Morning fuck face.” He grinned as he walked over and dropped down on the end of my bed. “Dude I don't need to see that shit!” He gestured to the tent pitched in my pyjama pants before crossing the room to sit at my desk.

“I was just about to take care of it but some asshole barged into my room before I could tend to the problem.” I pursed my lips and pointed to the door “out!”

“What's got you all worked up anyway? Been thinking about that best friend of yours again huh?” He quipped poking his tongue in and out of the side of his cheek in time with the fist he was moving next to it.

“Shut the fuck up.” I groaned and he knew he'd hit the nail on the head.

“I'm sorry...did I offend your virginal senses? Go get your sorry ass ready for the day dude then come introduce me to this mystery woman of yours.” He chided before leaving my room; probably to go raid the refrigerator.

My mother was forever dragging his ass out of the kitchen before he could eat us out of house and home.

The plan was to rush getting ready so I could get to see Bella. That was until I stepped into the ridiculously soothing warm water. I don't know if it was because I was already aroused or what but the water crashing down on me was only adding to my state. My mind quickly pictured Bella's nimble fingers running over my skin, sending jolts of pleasure through my entire being. The water falling on my scalp felt like her fingers threading through my hair and I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my lips. My hand took on a mind of it's own and gripped my dick at the base before rubbing it between my fingers. The sudden sensation matched with the thought that I was feeling this to thought's of my best friend wavered me slightly and my other hand shot to the wall of the cubicle to steady me. She'd starred in my dreams on many occasions, even when I didn't know what she looked like all grown up, but I'd never actually masturbated with thoughts of her fuelling me!...I couldn't help it. My breathing soon became laboured and left me in short pants as I stroked from base to tip repeatedly. I knew the room was filling with steam even though I couldn't open my eyes...if I did then the glorious image I had created in my mind of Bella laid bare below me would be shattered and I was so close. I could feel the aching in my stomach that I was striving for getting closer...tightening in pleasure...gaining power. I sped up my actions and twisted my hand around my length, stroking over the tip once in a while My mouth hung open as water continued to rain down over my head, trailing around onto my face and dripping off my nose and chin, being pulled by gravity to the floor. Gravity was a good way of explaining this...Bella was my gravitational pull, I think she'd always been it, that's way it had hurt so much to let her go.I was so close I just needed a little more...that's when the thought of her on her knee's taking me into her mouth was conjured up and I lost it; my body quaked and my legs felt like jell-o as a stream of release escaped me, being quickly washed away with the water.

“Fuck!” I couldn't quite comprehend what had just happened...Ok I could but I wouldn't have believed that I could come so damn hard just for thinking about her.

To think I used to hate the changes in my body when I was younger...I knew one day that my feelings on it all would change, I just didn't bank on it being my best friend and my dirty little mind to make it so much more enjoyable!

I washed with speed, dried and dressed myself in record time before Jasper could come in pointing the finger and knowing why had taken so long.

Within five minutes I was sitting at my desk powering up my laptop while rubbing a soft white towel against my hair to rid it of excess moisture.

“Wow you're ready!” He chuckled when he came back into the room. “I thought you'd be a little longer you know..what with your little problem and all to take care of.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes before turning to see if Bella was signed in. It didn't take long to see phoenix_forever was on line and it took even less time for the box to expand and my hit for the day to take effect, instantly quelling my ache for her somewhat.

“Holy fuck! Is that her?” he asked as he dragged a spare chair over to where I was sitting, typing the pleasantries to get them out of the way.

“That's Bella.” The smile on my face was huge as her face lit up with her 'hi'

“Dude she's fucking hot!” His eyes went wide as he ogled her and a foreign feeling welled inside me...or rather a mixture of them.

Pride...My best friend was hot, but she was so much more than just that.

Fear...That someone else saw how amazing she was and one day someone would do something about it and maybe she'd forget about me then.

But the biggest feeling was possessiveness...anger that he'd called my Bella hot while drooling from the corner of his mouth a little. It was one thing for me to have thoughts about her but I didn't want my other closest friend to be thinking about her like that too.

“There's no wonder you wake up every morning with a boner...Man I probably will now!” He gulped and a switch flicked inside of me.

Before I knew what was happening, I shoved him off the chair...hard. It was either that or punch him.

Bella's POV

I chuckled as I watched his friend drop to the floor and wished I could here what they were talking about; saying that, Edward did not look amused!

What are you guys talking about?

I typed and hit send.

Jasper thinks you're hot.

He shook his head at his friend that was clawing his way off of the floor


I was confused as to why that would make Edward's features set hard.

Oh...well maybe you should take him to

the eye doctor when you go lol.

There's nothing wrong with my eye sight,

I already told you it's perfect.

Well tell him I'm flattered but

he's really not my type.

No, my type was tall...messy hair and amazing emerald eyes...My type was Edward.

I watched as his friend leaned in over the keyboard, swatting Edward's hands out of the way and taking control of the conversation, leaving my best friend looking rather pissed off about it.

Ok beautiful, then may I ask

what exactly IS your type?

I stared as the little curser flashed, waiting to write my response...goading me to just spit out that I was only interested in the man by his side.

I don't know exactly when it had happened but I was feeling more than just friendship towards Edward these days. I'd felt things for the boy I used to write to...whom had turned into a young man and still managed to capture my heart with his words; but after seeing him...seeing the smile I loved, that hadn't changed in over four years...Something had changed between us...that much I was sure of; what that change was exactly was the unknown.

I'd owned my laptop for just over a month now and I couldn't thank my Mom and Phil enough. It had been the best gift I'd ever been given, second only to the friendship ring on my finger from Edward.

I'd kept my promise to wear it always, only taking it off to move to a smaller finger as I grew. It currently sat on my wedding ring finger, having been moved from my middle one because it became a little tight. I rolled it around unconsciously before replying.

Not you.

I typed with a smirk. I watched as they read the text and Edward threw his head back in laughter and even Jasper chuckled with reluctance.

Way to wound my ego.

With that he slapped Edward's back and left.

I didn't mean to offend him.

Don't worry you didn't. He's hungry.

Nothing comes between him and his stomach,

not even a hot girl.

Wait...Was he calling me hot?

I blushed, unsure of what to think.

Just out of curiosity...What IS your type?

Oh god!

I swallowed hard and was just about to spout off the usual tall dark and hansom with green eyes when I was saved by my mother calling me.

Don't go anywhere ok, I just

have to go see what my Mom wants

she just shouted both me and Oliver

so it could be serious.


Ok, hurry back. I'll miss you

while you're gone.

I blew him a kiss without thinking and scurried out of the door only to bump straight into Oliver.

“Hey watch it shrimp.” He pretended to scowl at me.

“I think you've got that the wrong way around...From what I heard around school you're the shrimp.” I wiggled my little finger in front of him before setting off down the stairs at break neck speed, squealing as he caught me up and tickled the crap out of me.

Our relationship had changed too.

I'd come home from school one day to talk to Edward and he'd taken his laptop downstairs for a change to show me that his house was exactly the same, he used it like a video camera and would stop every now and again to type a description. While he was giving me the tour someone came to his door so he set the laptop down on the side table. I got to watch as he opened the door to some blonde, that I learned later was Rosalie, and she proceeded to throw herself at him. I didn't wait around for him to explain and shut off my computer. I spent the biggest part of the night holed up in my tree house that I was quickly growing too big for. Oliver had poked his head in to see if I was all right after being sent by my Mother to check on me and genuinely seemed concerned when he saw the hurt in my eyes. He'd climbed up and sat beside me just like Edward used to, only Edward would have hugged me while Oliver got close without actually touching me. He asked me what was wrong and listened, asking if I had given him a chance to explain. I'd said that he shouldn't really have to because we were just friends. He rolled his eyes at me before sharing his experiences of misunderstandings and encouraged me to talk to Edward. He said I obviously couldn't see what was right in front of me, that on the odd times he'd intruded while I was talking to my best friend, he'd noticed the way I look at he looked at me. He told me one day that I would wake up from the cosy dream I was having about us being friends and see that it was something more than that and something special no less. He told me I should just tell Edward what I had been feeling towards him lately...Yeah because it was just that simple.

“I'm glad you two are getting along better now...really I am but can you just be less boisterous for a moment, we have something important to discuss with you both.

Oliver looked at me with a cocked eyebrow and a 'what the fuck' look plastered on his face. I shrugged but followed them into the family room regardless.

“You know how happy we are that you guy's finally seem to be getting along right?” Phil spoke wit reluctance.

Oliver mock punched my arm but we nodded our response.

“Well seen as things are better around here, Renee and I decided that maybe we should make things between us...official.” He let his words hang in the air while he pulled his lips into a thin line, like he was expecting an explosion to rip through the silence.

“By official you mean...?” Oliver coaxed.

“We're getting married.” My mother added before turning to her lover and squeezing his hand in support.

“Oh my god!” I breathed before covering my mouth with my hand.

Oliver was on his feet faster than I thought possible and embraced his father in a manly hug and a token back pat. His actions shocked me. I don't know what I expected from him but it wasn't that! He really wasn't as bad as I'd first thought and I was really starting to like having him as a brother.

I got up myself and hugged my mother and Phil in turn before spending a few moments to look at the gorgeous vintage diamond ring sat on her finger before squealing and rushing for the stairs. I stopped and turned to call my mother.

“Can I tell Edward?” I begged her with my eyes but not wanting to spoil the phone call I knew she'd make to her own best friend.

“Sure honey, ask him to tell Esme 'll call her later ok?” She beamed at me obviously grateful that they hadn't just started world war three.

I ran to my room and dropped into the chair to find him still sat there looking sexy as hell.

Are you ok? Was it bad?

He asked with a look of concern in his eyes.

No, not bad, good, really good.

I smiled to myself; shaking my head from side to side before filling him in on the events that had just transpired.

My Mom and Phil have just announced

their engagement! They're getting married!

Edward's POV

I thought my eyes were going to bug out when I read her last message so I read it a few times over before I believed what it actually said before turning towards my door and shouting loud enough for the whole city to hear.


fan fiction the letter

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