Noisy fucking neighbours!!!!

Aug 08, 2009 22:40

ARRGGHHH!!! ok so I know it's not that late at 22:40pm but for fuck sake! Our home backs onto the garden's of those on the next street and someone about five doors up on their side is having a party...nothing wrong with that...But they've set a fucking kareoke system up in the garden that makes them sound like they're in the house with us...The worst bit is that they'll sing then bugger off for a bit so people try and get to sleep, only to come back just as they're dropping off and start singing aain. My hubby has some serious mental health issues, including the tendancy to want to kick the fuck out of anyone that pisses him off 9just to clarify though, no he's never hurt me or our kids and would probably hurt himself before allowing anyone to hurt us. to the point that when I had my fifth misscarriage last september, he went to the roughest area he could find and walked down a street where he knew someone would start on him...They did and he got to vent some anger at our loss by smacking the person trying to start with him...I'm not condoning his actions in the slightest but it was his way of trying to deal.) Anyway, it's so loud you can here it word for word and they can't even sing, he's been having trouble sleeping recently and it's the first time he's been anle to feel tired and managing to sleep but keeps getting woken up but it all every time someone gets up to sing...He's wanting to go and rip heads off so I 've hid his keys for the door lol. The last thing I need is him getting locked up for something stupid.


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