
Oct 12, 2011 08:05

So I saw Moneyball on Monday while all the normal non-government people were at work. That may surprise you, since I don't give even one shit about sports, especially professional sports, but the trailer got me interested in it. Also: Brad Pitt, who is one of those actors I just like without completely understanding why. (Like Matt Damon.)

It was really excellent. It's not really about baseball so much as it's about underdogs, and doing desperate things even though you're afraid it's going to get your ass kicked. I also was really pleased by Kerris Dorsey's performance- she's the young actress who plays the main character's daughter. Will be watching her. :) (Not in a creepy way, damn it.)

Other movies I've seen recently: The Adjustment Bureau (awesome!), Shutter Island (pretty good), Insidious (GARBAGE).

Movies I'm excited about: The Rum Diary (Johnny Depp and Hunter Thompson, together again, FUCK YES), Anonymous (NERDGASM, also it looks fantabulous).

Shit, spent so long finding the theatrical trailer now I have no time for fic before work. LOL

film, movies

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