So, in Law yesterday we started economics. Economics are hardly relevant to law, but since my school doesn't have an economics class, we have to cover it in law in...two days. About three hours of class time. Cheryl posed us with a problem
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So for Spanish homework, we had to write a story that included the words pedir, morir, leer, oir, la periodista, las noticias, el heroe, el rescate and el editor.
Quote is from Jano, a fellow freshmen in my science and law classes. We were learning about photosynthesis and tree leaves and shit, and Madeline told us that the only organisms that don't do cellular respiration were viruses.
Madeline: Wacky yet funny Foundations of Science (FOS) teacher. Jano: Class clown of Block 4 FOS 1 and Block 6 Law.
So today in Spanish, we had to make up songs to memorize all the verbs with odd stems in the preterit. Team Ramrock, which consisted of a bunch of sophomores, made a rap based on a song that included the line, "I havre herpes". So Sam, who was doing the vocals, did this
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Yurgh. >.< I have to do practically my whole Law packet before Thursday. Wonderful. And for Speech, we have to do a demonstration of teaching the class how to do something we're good at. I can't think of anything. All the stuff I'm good at is stuff I can't exactly teach. I'm pretty good at writing (or so I've heard), but this is something that
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