My Shite

Aug 16, 2009 20:21

Lots of stuff going on in hopes of beating my Trigeminal Neuralgia. List form is going to make this much easier...

1. June 4th. Neurosurgery, Microvascular Decompression performed by my hero Dr. Peter Jannetta & his side kick of 14 years Dr. Raymond Sekula. I'm kicking myself for not asking to keep the part of my skull that was removed :-P
2. Seven weeks of hell. Surgery failed.
3. Decision to have the nerve severed was insanity. Risk of Anesthesia Dolorosa and other factors made it one of the most terrifying times of my life.
4. Met a woman online from North Carolina. Carolyn was struck down at age 30 with Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia just like me. She was operated on by Dr. Jannetta in 1997. Carolyn wanted me to call her before the second surgery. She has had neurosugery 5 times all different doctors, which all failed. She's 47 and overwhelmed with pain; she's treated with drugs stronger than heroine and she's still in extreme pain. My heart bleeds for her. She lives for her 17 year old son, although she has attempted suicide. We check in with each other often, I just wish there was something that could help her.
5. July 23rd. Neurosurgery again with Dr. Janetta and Dr. Sekula. I had a Partial Sensory Rhizotomy of the Trigeminal Nerve.
6. I'm still very swollen so the full results of the surgery are currently unknown. The entire left side of my face, teeth, ear and the upper part of my head are numb and will be for the rest of my life.
7. I'm having some problems hopefully due to swelling. Seems to be neuritis, paresthesia, facial migraine, and dysesthesia. Although I'm numb, it feels as if the ophthalmic nerve and maxillary nerve are bursting through my skin. Also, it feels as if one of my teeth is being twisted and yanked out. Half of my tough has pins and needles going on too.
8. I'm terrified, but optimistic... I have to be. There is a chance that in about 2 months I could be pain free without taking any medication. That is the ultimate dream :-)
9. I talked to Gemma, who lives in Wales before the second surgery on the phone! I love her and could not possibly be more proud of her!!
10. I finally got out of the house on August 14th. I went to my friend Brian's place. I had not seen him or Kristin in 5 years. I met Tim and Rhyno, who are recruiting Matt into their band!
11. Went outside the next day to visit all my little wild animals in my neighborhood. Walking is tough and exhausting right now, but it was nice to be outside again.
12. The next day I went over to my friend Matt's house. I had not seen him in 18 years! We sat on a bridge over a creek and then on his deck.
12. I have a lisp right now and sound like Cindy Brady ;-P
13. I'm not going to be able to complete my list because I need to go soon!
14. Tomorrow I see my anesthesia pain medicine doctor. Tuesday I see Dr. Quinn who operated on me back in 2004. I'm hoping they figure out what's going on with me and can possibly do some nerve blocks while I'm healing.
15. I'm currently reading a book written by a TN sufferer and the doctor who treated him. Dr. Jannetta wrote the Forward. The book is entitled "Striking Back! The Trigeminal Neuralgia and Face Pain Handbook. A Layman's Guide To Understanding and Treating What Is Often Called The World's Worst Pain".
16. Some plans have been made to start my cranial nerve disorder awareness campaign!
17. I've been invited to see a bunch of my friend's bands play. I need to get better so I can go!!
18. Oh, I've lost 30 freakin' pounds!

book, friends, atypical trigeminal neuralgia, dysesthesia, craniotomy trigeminal nerve resection, pain, dr. janetta, surgery, dr. quinn, cranial nerve disorder awareness, craniotomy microvascular decompression, matt, tn2, neurosurgery, nerve block, carolyn tn

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