Hey, I survived another night in hell.
Er, that is, my place of employment that so graciously exploits my skills to make mega profit of which I get 0.00000001 percentage of as compensation. However, I am FREE for a night. I have to work New Year's Eve, but darling and I didn't have plans this year anyway. Our group of couples with whom we normally spend that night with are in transition. Some have broken up. Some are busy having babies. Some just wanted to do something different. So tomorrow night I'll take a couple of bottles of fizzy grape juice and some snack type things to work and try to cheer up the patients who will be stuck there with me. No snack for Mr. Crush my fingers, though. He's still off his cork, but at least hasn't injured anyone else. Hand still hurts and it's stiff and swollen, but what pretty colors!
I went cruising through my various fic haunts and LJ pages and Deviant Art, trying to get my own creative juices flowing. My to do list is growing. GIAC needs to be worked on, especially since I deleted the last chapter I wrote in a hissy fit of dissatisfaction. I'm half finished with a one-shot of Crawford/Schuldig that has no name. I have a rough sketch of the picture I want to do of Schuldig and Aya. Another plot bunny hanging about. Plus, I'm currently devouring the DVD's and reading fanfic of my latest obsession, Trigun. Just what is my fascination with these angsty, pretty demi-heroes with guilt complexes and the bad boys I want to get them in bed with? Just answered my own question, I think.
Picked up some cool cards for some LJ buds who have birthdays coming in January.
The laundry is still patiently waiting to be done and growing while I watch. At least I got the dishes done. Like I'm going to go without a clean cup for my coffee. No way!
Oh and I'm also hypocritically sulking because while I am not updating, neither are most of the other writers I am watching. Even
viridian5 cranked out a yummy banger of a chapter while feeling like total hell. I have no excuse. :hangs head in shame: