Ow....just Ow.

Dec 29, 2006 08:42

Some days I wonder why the hell I do what I do for a living.

The night started out pretty good, only one admission to make a total of 13 patients. Myself and another nurse and 3 aides to take care of them. We're cruising along until about 11:30 when one old geezer goes total wacko and punching, kicking, biting. You get the idea. I send the aides to call security. The other nurse and I are taking turns keeping the old goat from punching the other. Well, hell. He got a hold of me and decided I didn't really need the last three fingers on my left hand. Crushed and bent them backwards and all to hell and back. Needless to say, professionalism went out the window and much cursing spewed forth. Security shows up 20 minutes later because they went to the wrong place the first time (idiots)and I get to call the man's doctor. Oh, it gets better. Doctor Jackass says, "What do you want me to do?" Oh how I could have answered that one in so many ways, but I merely said I wasn't going to trade punches with his patient all night. Doctor Jackass says, "Have someone watch him."
You do realize they get paid the big bucks to spout these shit orders?
Anyhow, like to never got my wedding band off. I thought it was going to have to be cut. My left hand looks like black and purple puff pastry and hurts like a bitch. I'm in a foul mood and I have to go back tonight.
:sigh: At least my new roof is on after only two days.

rl, work

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