Feb 01, 2024 22:33
Today I went for a massage. I know. How boujee. But really it’s not.
I have had a lot of body pain my whole life. I think as a kid my family just felt I was being dramatic and had low pain tolerance. As I aged and the pain stayed and even increased I know I have a high pain tolerance. I just have shitty genes and most likely have EDS (genetic testing incoming).
Due to the faulty collagen and hyper mobility in my body I just hurt. Joints hurt. Muscles hurt. Fascia hurts. It all hurts.
So add on multiple bad injuries from horse falls and that pain just goes up more.
And add in the fact my job is very physical and that just is the icing on the top of the shit sandwich that is my body.
So I get a lot of bodywork. Massage. Neuromuscular therapy. Cupping. Cranial sacral therapy. And on and on.
I am slowly getting more answers from doctors about what all is going on. I finally found a good PCP who listened to me and believed the two pages of symptoms and history I have. I have referrals to see a cardiologist, rheumatologist, and neurologist. We’ll see what that brings to light.
But I have been gaslight for years by doctors, friends, and family that I wasn’t sick. I know so many didn’t believe me. So I talked myself into the fact that maybe I was making it up or blowing things out of proportion.
Nope I wasn’t. My body is not okay. My genetics are kinda crap and it’s good I decided to never have kids. No one needs to pass them on.
Anyways the referrals will be spread out over the next few months. The cardiologist can’t see me till the summer time. The rheumatologist thankfully is soon. The neurologist I still need to set up.
I also plan to get the genetic testing done to see what variant of EDS I have (though no marker means I have the hEDS which they haven’t isolated yet).
Anyways. This is me just rambling on. I hate that my life has become so wrapped around doing things to keep myself in one piece. Though I guess it keeps me in a healthier place. I am at the lowest weight I’ve ever been. But in a fit way and strong way. I guess that’s what I get for doing power lifting lol. Which sure I am hyper mobile so why the fuck am I knowing weigh around? Cause being strong means I don’t dislocate as often. And it’s cool.
So yeah there are good things about it but it’s also exhausting. And I am beyond fatigued as it is so it just takes away the last bit of extra energy I have.
I just hope I get some more answers with all these visits so I know why I deal with all I do. Crosses fingers.