Hetalia & Firefly || Drabble Question

Oct 19, 2010 15:47

I posted Axis Powers Hetalia and Firefly for Not My Fandom Fest:

- China/Korea, Japan/Taiwan (But if I'm actually in Hetalia fandom it'd be England/America brothercest chan France/England being all glam and twink-y, Russia/China because of GIGANTIC SUNFLOWER BOUQUET and China/HongKong love-hate)

- Apparently there are no Asians in space, just Asian culture.

Question to anyone reading this:
I'm wondering if my 100-word drabble "Calico" is good enough to submit to a flashfiction contest (Nov. 30 deadline). Should I make it longer (since the max. word count is 1K words), are there things I can improve, etc.?

I can give access to your DW or LJ account over at
simulacra, or you can simply join mind_spark or holidaysmut. (I'm already x-posting at those three places, so I don't want to post it on my LJ too). Entries are temporarily locked while I contemplate submitting that drabble.

To participate in the contest I'll need to submit four critiques, and I'm not gonna spend time doing it unless my drabble has a fighting chance, so to speak =P

[aph], fandom, original, simulacra, links, to-do, writing, crack, drabbles

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