Secrets Under Your Skin, CamelotRemix, Not My Fandom Fest

Oct 15, 2010 13:56

Secrets Under Your Skin (Merlin AU, implied Merlin/Arthur preslash, PG)
Fifth in the
cupbearer drabble series (AU where Merlin is Arthur's half-brother), but can stand alone on its own.

This is a "Thank you remixer for the camelotremix story!" drabble =)
My remixer wrote the following lovely fic from Arthur's pov:
The Cupbearer (Brother's Keeper Remix) [Arthur/Merlin, Teen, Sibling Incest, 3,338 words]
Arthur meets his half-brother Merlin when he is six. Arthur is not all that impressed, but soon changes his mind. Canon AU.

CamelotRemix Fic Masterlist @ DW
Just click on the little triangles to the left of the cuts to expand. 'slike magic!

Please comment on the stories that you enjoyed! (And the original stories too if you like.) You don't need an AO3 account to comment, just an e-mail address which won't be displayed.
ETA 10/16/10: I do have one AO3 invite if anyone wants it.

Seen at melusinahp:

Not My Fandom Fest running until Monday, October 18 [ Alphabetical List of Fandoms ]
Write a ficlet for a fandom you're not a part of based solely on what you've learned from your friends list and fandom at large.

Am gonna see what drabbles I can come up with this weekend =D You can nominate fandoms too!

remix, fandom, remixed, [merlin], links, to-do, writing, drabbles, fanfic rec

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