Talking Meme part 2

Dec 12, 2014 00:09

I warned I wouldn't post regularly... xD

What is your favourite personality trait in yourself? And in others?

Let me just tell you, Azzie, with all the affection you know I have for you, that this question sucks (the first part at least) xD asking me what I don't like about myself would have been so much easier... Though I know you want to make me see positive things, so it's still nice of you =p

I....... guess I try to be honest, at least most of the time (can't say I'm perfect or don't try to hide it when someone is getting on my nerves a bit if I know it's not a big deal), and I'm pretty tactful (see last parenthesis xD). I also love my friends and want them to be okay, maybe sometimes when I'm not okay I don't listen as much as I'd like, but I try to.

Also I love cats, which is a quality, no discussion.

In others, well, besides the obvious, I prefer people to try solve the problems early instead of letting the drama build up (well of course only for big stuff, not every little thing, that would be exhausting xD). I also like reasonable people, and well, it's not necessary but I like people who like hugs because I'm a bit touchy-feely xD. I also kinda need to always be reassured so I like people who express their feelings, and I try to do the same or to show it.

Meh, I guess I kinda covered it? I feel like it's a bit dumb xD and it's not like appreciating someone was completely rational.

On a totally unrelated note, the raclette Subway is SO GOOD. I needed to say it.


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